Basrikron World Quest

Didn’t work.

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Same thing. Killed once, outside of a group. Just had other people attacking him, so I tagged/dpsed (not well, am healer). Got gold, but no credit/rep from World Quest. I relogged, which did not solve the issue. I joined a group to kill him, did not get gold the second time (wasn’t expecting any since I did get some for the first kill) but still no rep reward or world quest completion.

Same here. Just did it for a second time and still didn’t get world quest credit.

Edit: Just tried it a 3rd time. Flew away from the area, the flew back in and got the talking head from the world quest about how this was a big bad and it needed killing. So I thought I was fine. Made a group to kill it and then didn’t get credit.

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Killed him four times so far, still no WQ credit. I’ve only even had it pop up once, but as soon as I joined a group for it, the WQ disappeared.

FFS this is annoying. Bliz fix when?

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Assuming this is not resolved as i tried as of today and looked into and saw this thread… does Blizz even know about this?

I did this on four characters and got no WQ credit. Someone made a group for Basrikron, told us to fly away quite a bit and come back to get the WQ pop-up and we downed him like normal in a raid group and I finally got WQ credit.


That totally worked! Thank you

Same issues here. Tried on 2 separate days now and still no quest completion. The world quest pops up and the “talking head” npc activates when you are in area or engage boss but still nothing when killed.

Gave it a day and came back the next day. Solo (Not in Raid Group) Fought it and killed, It finally awarded the World Quest!

Still not working for me, get the quest pop up when I go into the zone, but after killing there’s no loot or reward, and the quest is still 0/1 when I look on the map.

I killed him 3 times, world quest does not pop up and no loot. Where is the best place to put a ticket in for this?

Way to go, Blizz. Bugged since 2022! And still not fixed. I guess I shouldn’t complain too much; it worked on the 2nd attempt.