Checking: Is anyone else’s blade flurry causing them to stop moving? I’ve checked and no matter what slot I have it in or how I press it (I am using an off hand keyboard, but it happens on my main keyboard as well).
Press both mouse buttons to run.
Hit your blade flurry (Up or down it doesn’t matter, this happens even when it’s on cooldown)
You will stop moving AND if you are holding right mouse button to straif or control movement, it will break that as well. Every time I hit blade flurry I need to re-engage my mouse / run. This appears to be happening only with Left/Right mouse button + blade furry, as if you are using keyboard or thumbstick control (i.e. pressing “w” to run forward") this doesn’t happen.
To be clear, pressing Blade Flurry COMPLETELY disengages the mouse both if it’s fired normally and if it’s on cooldown requiring you to re-press the buttons.
And as a quick edit to this to be on track with this post: For the first time in 20 years of gameplay I’ve switched mains for the expansion. I’m no longer playing rogue, I’m playing monk which feels a LOT better to play, has more DPS, and is much more “fluid” with many of the Rogue’s same tricks.
But ultimately you felt the need to play a different spec as Outlaw isn’t all it’s made out to be by you, there are clear issues with the spec, some being mechanical bloat as well as bugs.
You came off as if we should leave Outlaw in the current state and be happy with it.
It’s just such a laughable take to drop “I did X damage the class is fine”. Oops I just did 1.51m overall in a heroic dungeon as Outlaw guess my opinions more important now so now that that is out of the way the fact that people can’t grasp the issues with the spec is unreal. It’s not about damage numbers it’s about Blizzard doing the literal bare minimum and having the class not feel absolutely miserable to play with an unreal amount of game crippling bugs.
I could give the absolutely stupid excuse that I main the spec so that makes it fine because I know all of the bugs except that doesn’t change the fact that anybody that doesn’t literally one trick the spec is absolutely screwed.
I know this is hard for someone like you to understand. But there are people who can and will play multiple specs for multiple purposes. Because certain fights favor certain specs in raid for example
Also the fact that maybe I enjoy playing all 3 rogue specs every expansion doesn’t come across your mind? How are you going to play a pure dps class without flexing at least 2 specs.
Sure it must mean outlaw is unplayable. You can keep coping with that excuse if it makes you feel better
I’ve had my Guild Master listen to me complaining for 4 months about this, and his response is exactly that.
“Oh, Fatebound’s DPS is S tier. You’re still doing more damage than anyone else in our raid team.”
Okay? I’m playing Trickster, I told you this the moment they displayed hero talents because I vibe with the concept’s utility, and my rotation breaks 5 times a dungeon some days and forces me to either swap talents or wait out the crackshot window by using Dispatch.
Not even including the litany of other bugs that make playing the class miserable.
Like you said, we came from 2 very fun and solid patches for the spec, just to have everything that was fixed broken again, and made worse somehow across the board. Let me be mad about that, I don’t care if I’m top dps if it feels terrible. I’d go play Paladin if I wanted top numbers every patch.
So sad this is why I finally jumped ship on Rogue after playing one since vanilla wow…
They had to really go above and beyond to get me to give up on my favorite class. It’s very sad but I regret to tell you if you play other more busted classes you will wonder why you didn’t switch earlier.
I’ve played every class to max level every expansion since Shadowlands, and nothing has been enough to rip me off of Rogue.
I have a Prot/Fury warrior, BDK/UHDK, and Resto/Ele sham levelled to 80 and have done heroics on them all already. Next run is my new Earthen BM Monk.
I’ve played pretty much every class short of Pally and Druid in raid/keys over the years. I’m a rogue at heart, nothing has been bad enough to change it.
They have communicated nothing even after promising more open communication. Like an abusive ex “oh yeah I will change totally. I will fix my problems”. Proceeds to absolutely do nothing to help the situation.
Second lowest playrate class, and the lowest playrate class is getting babied due to being the “hot new thing” with Aug being the only support spec.
So, really, they don’t have to listen because the amount of us playing the class is so miniscule that they can afford for all of us to unsub, and they’d barely even notice. Less than 4% play rate right now. And that number will fall off when people start actually doing content.
Completely dismissing the fact that every single one of us would prefer to be B tier and have our kits actually work the way they’re expected to.
I will literally accept a 40% damage nerf at this point if it means they fix the insane amount of issues that playing the class actually entails right now.
What do you mean you vibe with trickster? You should play the tree that’s more competitive to help your team out. If you’re in dungeons or doing your own thing, go for it but trickster is unplayable for outlaw, it’s damage is stinky.
That’s a problem that just keeps making itself worse and worse and has for years and years. People don’t play it because it never gets worked on and they never work on it because no one plays it lol.
That’s 100% on them for not doing anything for years in the first place.
Then the it’s fine because it does high dmg crew comes out and says everything is fine even if it’s not fun and the most convoluted bs you’ve seen. The more you play other classes the more you see they punish rogue’s just to punish them with everything they do. Which is something they use to to all classes 20 years ago but now only to 1…
Am I the only one who seems to lose my poisons randomly?
I don’t see people complain about that as much, but it happens so much. When I zone into a BG, it seems like Crippling Poison always stays and I have to reapply my other poisons.
Then they randomly go away.
I could be marching up to Stables in Arathi Basin, and by the time I get there, my stealth randomly broke twice and my poisons just disappeared.
The utility meshes with my playstyle and how my friends who play with me play. And I like the thematic way more.
You should learn to have fun that isn’t connected to your performance. I’m sure your blood pressure and dopamine levels would thank you.
Also, I’ve played Outlaw during multiple of their worst seasons and still been the top DPS in my raid group, and in a lot of Heroic/Keys groups during those same seasons.
Good players make bad specs look good.
Man, my top-damage in every single dungeon I’ve ran, 3.4 million DPS ceiling in good pulls, and 500-700k single target with some interesting pulls with 1.1 mil single target would love to know how this is unplayable.
No disagreements on that one here. It’s the same corner they walked themselves into with Shamans, and the same thing they tried with Demo lock back in the day. Difference is, Shamans finally got some attention (No shade, I’m extremely happy for them as my healer alt is resto).
However, Demo lock had to do this big grandiose display of making a Reddit ad to get the eyes on it that it needed. But I doubt this would even work at this point.
They intentionally did this, too. The numbers were tuned insanely low for most of the PTR and suddenly were ramped up as the release window hit. That feels like they were going to work on it but ran out of time and just said “Over tune their damage so they can’t complain anymore”.
Like, nah, the damage isn’t even the issue. It never was. We wanted FUNCTIONAL TALENTS AND ABILITIES.
It’s not that hard to understand. I’ll worry about our numbers when we can actually hit Vanish and BTE without something breaking in half in the rotation, amongst the 10 other things wrong between all 3 specs.