Stealth doesn’t work, everything feels worse without Acrobatic Strikes, every hero skill tree is either broken or irrelevant beyond being another Eviscerate (that replaces you current one, ruining rotations), Killing Spree is decade-old design that sucks, Outlaw does less damage than quest mobs, Assassination does more damage than the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, Leech Poison may as well not exist and less than 2% of the player base is picking rogue.
But in my opinion? This is all very based. There is no bigger indicator of a chad than taking someone’s money and then giving them nothing. The only thing more badass would be if you told people “We would prefer you not play Rogue” outright, like you did for demonology warlock back in the day.
The AB range loss is making me enjoy mage more this go around.
Such a shame they put all this “work” into rogue and hero talents, yet it plays way clunkier than when we had range.
My Rogue will be my main until blizzard makes all achievements account-wide, even within guild windows. But, the moment they change that, it will no longer be my main. It’s not fun. I put in quadruple the effort for poorer results than half my other classes and that might be because I cannot stand in those 20 paladins consecrate or maybe I was looking at a cooldown and I wasn’t standing halfway up the butt of the target.
Rogues took a step back from DF if we are to be honest with TWW right now.
I think Sub came ahead while Assassination and Outlaw need help.

Outlaw needs an insane amount of help. It’s nuts that it’s this bad. 
Outlaw is pretty bare bones right now as it is functional but it is not really optimal or firing on all cylinders.
Outlaw needs a more robust identity that is stronger right now.
Assassination has a strong identity and DPS but it needs defensive utility in its own tree and a clean up of talents along with synergy with hero talents.

I just did 1.15 million overall in a dungeon.
rogue sure is bad
That’s impressive I guess but not really indicative of good or fun class design.
how many of these bad design complaints stems from not understanding how to play
Idk I’m having a good time playing rogue as a main for this xpac. First time playing rogue too really besides the odd dabbling here and there in the past
How much of that is tongue in cheek and not meant literally since the very next thing they say is about how Assassination spec does more damage then a meteor that caused an extinction event?
I don’t think this sarcastic line, dishonestly cut from it’s context tells us much about their skill.
I also think that even if it is just a “skill” issue as defined by you that’s not necessarily better. If dealing damage with a spec, even amazing damage, is so obtuse and unfun that most can’t or won’t engage with it, I would call that a design flaw.
Their statement is also completely ignoring the fact that you have to pray to the RNG gods that your class doesn’t break at any of the 4 or 5 places that can completely kill your damage output.
Crackshot breaks so often right now that I go from dealing 1.5-2.5 million DPS to doing 100k with it breaking rotation flow during both vanish windows back to back.
That bug happened to me exactly twice since EA, and never again since finding out what was causing it.
The only time crackshot breaks for me is me putting BTE on CD trying to squeeze it in the last GCD. I’d call that more of making a mistake than a bug. even when that happens when I had to just dispatch during crackshot, im doing 1mil dps instead of 1.5. If you’re doing 100k at any point in your gear level it’s not because of a bug lol
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It’s not a “squeezing a GCD” issue, I can assure you. This is an ongoing bug, known about by Blizzard, and has been “fixed” in the past. It only showed back up during this patch because they messed with talents again.
It’s an issue with either subterfuge not being recognized as being applied or with the system thinking your BTE is on CD when the window stops.
They had this fixed for about 8 months, and it just popped back up.
Also the 100k metric is called an exaggeration. Even with trickster, my single target is about 400-500k without crackshot as is.
Losing the damage because they refuse to fix the bug again isn’t acceptable in any situation. They need to actually work on the class instead of continuing to ignore everyone playing it.
Are you referring to BtE sometimes going on CD even when used while in stealth? Or not casting and acting like the mob is immune for the entire window?
I mean, either way it’s absolutely not just “skill issue lol” it’s quite clearly 100% a bug. Unless stealth breaking randomly is also a skill issue now or something, I dunno…
No, obviously it’s your own fault that Stealth breaks without any combat log explanation, sometimes without anything near you in a 5 mile radius, and often during the worst possible times.
Why are you playing assassination if outlaw is so good?
I play both.
Ill log off next time in my outlaw gear since youre so curious
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Good players and players who stick to a class will generally be able to be above the average results, but it will be interesting to see where the rogue specs fall once those start reporting for m+ and raid. And again, my entire group I play with gives me the “look at the damage rogue is fine” line, which kind of misses the point that outlaw specifically just came off of a two seasons that I enjoyed playing it, and now it feels gutted and like everything around it got shiny new toys.