Based Blizzard not addressing the Rogue class at all

I only comment on things I’ve tested, so far my experience is the spec it self is plagued with issues, I’m not saying its not capable, its very much too early to tell how capable it actually is.

So far my observations are, cleave is fine, single target is ok (when things don’t break), and AOE is abysmal.

I have now encountered the few bugs consistently playing the last 2 weeks,

  • BtE going on CD even while I have 1-2 seconds left on subterfuge.
  • BtE becomes bricked and will not fire off, the sound goes off, no damage, no combo points used.
  • Stealth breaks a lot for no reason (Class related more than outlaw, but important intraction of Outlaw’s staple damage)

Any sources for this, I have read some of the hotfixes for September 5 , I do not see any changes to Outlaw’s issues.

Could you tell me what the cause is for said bugs please.

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