Barrens chat (A place to chat :D)

rises as an evil minion of the void lords

What have you wrought? Oh the Alliance! Oh the humanity!


burns everything

Burning because the void is dark, and full of terrors…

I didn’t even make that connection but it works so frak it.

Yeah, all you gotta do as the Voidmaster is multiply all of us by zero…

corrupts Sargeras’ sword

I have always wondered if you Voidmasters use Brillo or WD 40 when sword-corrupting…

sargeras’ corrupted sword proceeds to corrupt the heart of Azeroth

the void insta-wins

And with SOOO many concerned that there would be no Classic endgame…

At least I don’t have a magic gauntlet that can snuff out half of all life with the snap of a finger.

one literally drops out of the sky and lands on my hand

…What the fel, Blizzard?

You see? You are LOVED!

CLEARLY someone is trying to make me the most incredible threat the citizens of Azeroth have ever faced with writing so horrible it makes the Super Mario Bros. movie look like a masterpiece.

A Big F to the rest of the World, but what the heck. YOU got YOUR gear. YOUR hands are safe, and snug, and protected, and armored, and warm…

Yeah, and Blizz has a hiring freeze, so don’t look for the writing to improve anytime soon…


snaps fingers, half of Blizzard’s writing staff disappears… not the half with Christie Golden

Fixed. They can start hiring now. :wink:

That’s what happens when you give a truly concerned player the can of Blizzard Polish…

In all seriousness I wish Golden had gotten Metzen’s job instead of Sean Copeland…

She would be a better choice, since at least her Warcraft books are readable.

Better than readable.

I can hardly put them down when I read them.

Seriously, not bad for someone who knew jack all about the series when she was first hired to write that first Thrall book…

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