I wonder how Blizzard will handle the tertiary marketing stuff for Classic? I mean, will we see a Classic double-decker gaming guide reborn?
Who knows…
For all we know Classic won’t get any marketing. I highly doubt they (officially) consider it a full-fledged game in its own right… else it’d have its own sub.
And the full remaster treatment.
That’s an excellent point.
Maybe all this streaming IS Blizzard’s idea of marketing Classic WoW.
It most likely is.
The stress test was definitely just a fluke though. Weirder crap has happened.
I feel as though they still want Retail to get all the adoration, but considering even the Retail devs have been spending more time playing Classic than fixing Retail… we might have some issues on that front.
Oh? In what way weirder, Laeric?
I think the Stress Test tested xzackly what Blizzard wanted to test: An overload at Login and Character Creation.
Very entertaining. Sadly, barrens chat is going to be much worse tjan this.
Well, of course, but we were Chatter Limited, Blood, lol.
Oh I do too.
But some people noted that all the big-name streamers got lucky and managed to log into the server without many issues. That’s led to a conspiracy even I can’t fit my tinfoil hat around.
Yes, although I suspect that may have had more to do with Logins bifurcated between Beta Testers and Stress Testers…no evidence, so I guess my Tinfoil Hat is showing, lol.
All I know is that Ythisens confirmed that streamers don’t get prioritized logins.
So, definitely a fluke.
And I do not really think they do…I think Blizzard simply wanted to overload the Logins to light up all the potential problems that might happen at launch, and to see what might be done about that.
Yeah. I’m happy to have played my part in that, too, even though I spent the full two hours trying and failing to get in.
Login queues, character creation timeouts, realm locked, realm “offline,” no realms available, world server down… I ran into it all!
I predict that this Wednesday Stress Testers will get past the Login, past the Character Creation, to test massive crowds at the Starting Areas…ice skating in the Starting Areas, lol.
Hyper is a genius at The Barrens Chat, lol.
That’s not a bad prediction. We’ll have to see what happens, I know I’m looking forward to Round Two.
I beat that server with a lead-coated two-by-four and then shoved a broken broom handle through its router port for good measure.
(inb4 servers don’t have router ports)
All you would have to do on Blizzard’s End is binary shift the accumulator at Login. That would explain the “False Login”s that people kept finding in their Account Logs.
And a two-by-four is as good as a binary shift to a clogged Login accumulator…
I am 5’5 but I love tall women because I like to climb. Like a “Spider Monkey”. Not kidding I like 6’0 tall women and this is probably where I also developed my Arm pit fetish. You know I only come up to there and would just snuggle in.
So I only will date women much taller than me. It just works out better.
Well not all Armpits are sexy. So maybe the guild name would be “Raise your Arms if you are Sure”
This experience DOES raise some old concerns of mine regarding the Gates of AQ event though. I was starting to mellow out prior to this and think maybe it won’t be a big deal after all but now…?
Now THIS! is perfect for this post, lol