Barney is returning

it does feel pedo

oh snapple hi chases

a Barney of this day and age :scream_cat:

Hi warrior from stormrage

I remember dragontales, it was an interesting show.

To be honest this upcoming expansion reminds me of dragontales

Lol you’re right. Maybe the plot of DF will be dragontales.

Yeah it was interesting and fun.

i smell crap bend over, not a fan

Na man moon guards chant is more like a slaaneshi cult chant. Well, goldshire at least


Do you even have kids?
That clean up song is bomb :bomb::bomb::bomb:

“Clean up clean up :notes:
Everybody everywhere :musical_note:
Clean up clean up :notes:
Everybody do your share :musical_note:

:fire: :fire: :fire:

barney is the devil

I NEVER let my Gen Z kids watch this show. /creepy.

I am a gen z and I admittedly watched Barney when I was a kid.


can an arms warr kill barney?

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i used to babysit alot and i can say barney made my job way easier and yes i used to sing the barney song with them.


Let us be angry together in unison

Oh so each and everyone of you don’t have a childhood okay.

this was a populer game back in my day lol

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Im back…and i love you…and i’ll never…ever…ever…leave you…again…
