Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

Sure. Theyve also foreshadowed the troll-elves who are just hotter more human trolls.

Im just saying, expect long term for it to always be the attractive characters getting the most attention.

Has always been Alliance though.

This claim is worse because there is a huge statue in Stormwind of her.

The faction divide is not going away. There are just some cross-faction options. Blizz has confirmed that factions are staying in place.

Hasn’t stopped them from focusing on Orcs.

BFA was all Zandalari for us.

Belves haven’t had any real story since TBC.

This is true.

They haven’t confirmed this. All we have about Silvermoon so far is Alleria’s kid lives there.


Easy for them to do when they only pretend there’s one faction in the first place.


Yeah we’ll see what they do. Turalyon does hint at some conflict in the future.


They’ve been sitting on that since he came back in Legion and haven’t done a thing with it.

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I mean midnight is gonna probably be very horde focused.

Khadgar is mia at the moment

Midnight will be Lorthemar handing over Silvermoon to Tyrande and/or Alleria, and begging their forgiveness.

And everyone knows it.


Well we did have conflict after that, but there is more hinted in TWW. I mean I wouldn’t doubt that they forget. But maybe they’ve heard the complaints by now, since they have addressed it in interviews.

Are we believing their lies in interviews, now? I thought people knew better, by this point.


Yea that wont happen, the game is heading into a neutral direction where many are cutting there faction ties. And if midnight goes the way lore writes it. All the elves if azeroth will unite which means cutting there ties with the horde and the alliance. Which is sterotypical elves of course to abandon everyone

It’s not “neutral” if the Horde is written out of the game.


They want to write out both factions, the alliance doesnt have a king. The horde doesnt have a warchief.

I really don’t understand how people can actually write crap like this.


It is not. People were fooled by DF.

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Personally there is no need for alliance and horde. And it honestly feels like there going old school as the races seem to be only looking out for there own more and more

And maria isnt the game director so if the director says neutral cut the tension and bring peace they have to fall in line.

You’re conflating two things: the factions are always going to remain as a mechanical thing. This is always going to be a thing. But the faction war is going to get less screentime according to dev comments from DF era.

Rather than a Horde questline and an Alliance questline they have unified questlines shared for both. It wont matter who you are playing as, your race wont change if its Anduin or Thrall youre teaming up with.

The factions are no longer a story focus. And they won’t be moving forward, unless Metzen decides to make big changes.

Because a game doesnt need factions to be good. A good writer can create a good story without factions. Or is WoW the only game experience you have had.

War going away doesn’t mean factions are going away. There still will be conflict. They’ve said as much in TWW interviews.

Incorrect. They’ve just forced Horde to do Alliance stories.

Wrong again, as I linked above.