Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

Yep the horde leaders are basically-common warrior, common mage, another two common warriors, a washed up shaman that barely even behaves like a shaman.

No exceptional feats, no legends, no real strength except maybe thralls old feats from years ago in the game.


All of our interesting characters have either died and/or been turned into raid bosses. Vol’jin, Saurfang, Cairne, Sylvanas, Garrosh (flawed but at least an interesting character) all gone. Even Gallywix isn’t around anymore! I’m probably missing some but like, what is going on.

I hope they make Thrall the warchief again because I’m over the Horde council. And to be honest, I hope Sylvanas comes back too


Lor’themar is a Ranger. Rommath is the Mage.

Not really, but no one can compete with human potential in the storyline. Even other Alliance races. But eventually they’ll let someone else be good right?

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Oh geez, horde get several expansions worth and alliance finally get a bone thrown lol


Now you feel what we felt lol

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I would love an alliance-centric expansion if that also included them being the bad guys for once, with everyone teaming up to go burn down stormwind, only seems fair after sieging orgrimmar twice


The olympics are over youre not gonna win a medal in mental gymastics.


I think a part of it is that the Alliance races have been given character after character who have had their personality become ‘I am a defender of the world, not a representative of a faction of it’.

Jaina started as that and then did the reverse and became Alliance themed.

Thrall started off as Horde, then became Neutral, then became Horde again.

Alleria always saw herself as a lone wolf who wasnt Alliance.

Khadgar and the entirety of the Kirin Tor had the original concept of them be being the neutral faction.

Magni got turned into a diamond and decided ‘The fate of the world is more important than your factions’.

The two big characters on the Horde (who aren’t thrall) who made moves to go neutral got killed.

Cairne was explicitly always more concerned with the world but oops they killed him off.

Vol’jin post SoO literally had a speech about how the world was more important than factions and oops dead.

I’ve only heard the word Alliance one time in thus expac but it has definitely been all Alliance races (and Earthen + Neurbians of course). They should have had Baine join the crew or something. Maybe that one lore Sunwalker for the Arathi zone.

what “several expansions” were entirely horde centric?


What expansions were faction centric lol

Alot of it were HORDE… and all that jazz

Classic alliance players in a horde alt, talking nonsense. WoD didn’t had any horde characters in a spolight. MOP and BFA had as much alliance as horde and Legion was 90% alliance focused

MOP was not a damn horde expansion, lmao, y’all seriously didn’t play remix to revive your memory.

The expansion literally culminate in defeating the horde, sacking their city and defeating their leader where the horde is forced to help

WoD had as much alliance as horde, just because you kill evil orcs doesn’t mean is an horde expansion

BfA it was the same crap as MOP, as much alliance focus as horde one, but the horde got to be evil villains to be defeated AGAIN

Where is the alliance love where i invade stormwind to defeat their leader?


Not to mention that as a Horde player you’re following Anduin around taking quests from him, as eaerly as Krasarang Wilds.

The primary plot of BfA was helping Magni. It was an Alliance-focused xpac.


Don’t forget Wrathion’s whole plan throughout the entire legendary campaign hinges on letting Varian sack Orgrimmar and basically genocide the horde, even if you are a horde player helping him every step of the way :upside_down_face:

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Then in BfA when he comes to save everyone, Wrathion heads over to Stormwind to tell the Important Human NPC’s what’s going on.

Meanwhile, as a Horde player, there’s an NPC you can talk to in order to watch the same cutscene of Wrathion explaining to the Important Human NPC’s what’s going on.

“Horde expansion.” Yeah, sure. :roll_eyes:


Im more convinced than ever the next patch is undermine.

With the ammount of goblins in this patch, the datamined “11.1 goblin raid”, and the last time i saw gazlowe he was walking off with someone from the venture co to talk about the undermine.

Its almost certain the next patch is goblins goblins goblins.

But you see, some cinematics feature an orc, totally a horde expansion, the one who freaking die like a loser /s

These people are either clowns or just parroting what others said, didn’t actually read any quests


The Horde: exists

Alliance players: “OMG HORDE BIAS”


Ok, so even if I were to accept that there were “Horde centric” expansions before. Yo guys need to admit that even in those we had Alliance characters in the spotlight as main characters.
The problem with TWW is that there’s near zero Horde representation. The story so far is literally following a bunch of Alliance characters around, down to serving their drinks.
As a Horde player, there’s zero reasons for your character to be there doing what they’re doing. The story is just 100% Alliance.
This isn’t just “Oh, there’s Alliance bias”. It’s “There’s no Horde at all”.


Overall with the faction divide basically going away, I feel like we are gonna continue moving closer and closer to it just being elves and humans. Because the more attractive races always end up getting more attention from players, devs, and writers.

Its like how every lore dragon and dracthyr was always in a hot elf/human/half elf form.

Orcs arent attractive. Trolls arent attractive. Tauren aren’t attractive. So the only real options for horde representation is Blood Elves. And the entire next expac has been announced as focused on silvermoon and the blood elves.

Next patch is gonna be goblins.
(Not confirmed but datamined and foreshadowed)

Blizzard should hire some people who actually like fantasy games.

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