Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

It’s easy for pampered Alliance players to sit around experiencing stories exclusively about the same Alliance characters they’ve always dealt with… and not see the problem for Horde players whose Horde version of the same has been stripped away, forcing them to follow along playing an Alliance story they never signed up for.

I actually have the capability to think about players who aren’t me. Something that self-centered Alliance players like you can’t seem to do.


I do think its fair to say though that we dont know what she actually meant.

For example, Turalyon and Geya’rah bickering.
Thats tension. Theyre clearly not friends but theyre working together.

Is this the kinda stuff they mean? That lingering resentments and differences havent just gone away?
Because theyre still working together side by side in a shared storyline. So factions hasnt made a real impact here.

Or maybe they will just go into another war or something. Who knows.

Uhm ive played both factions alot so your argument is invalid. As i enjoy both factions. The problem is you have karens and those who naturelly whine about non issues. Guess what all the races in the new expac are all neutral. The arathi humans have no ties to the alliance. The troll race no ties to either faction. The stone dwarves no tie to either faction. The nurubians no tie to either faction. People focus too much on the small characters when the big characters wre the new races that are entirely neutral.

Lie to yourself, if you must, but not to me.

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Its not a lie last expac i played horde, the expac before that horde, the one before that horde. But here is the thing I can enjoy a good story. To those who hold onto the old age of faction warfare need to grow up and adapt to change as that age is over.

Who the hell’s talking about faction warfare?

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I don’t think she means greater conflict. And because of MoP and BFA people think because they say there won’t be war, that there are no factions, or if there’s conflict there won’t really be and we’ll all get along because they set the precedent that they haven’t been able to tell faction story without all out war since very early in the game.

I think what they are talking about comes later. It doesn’t seem to be the earlier TWW story that they are referring to, and for that, we just have to wait and see. I don’t think they mean all out war and genocide though. They claim they have heard Horde about no story and story will be later. But just have to wait and see what that looks like, and give my feedback accordingly.

You know, I kind of wouldn’t doubt it despite what they say. Remember when they said we’d be surprised by who burned the tree and that Sylvanas would not be another Garrosh? Yeah…

But I’m gonna wait and see personally. I’ve given my feedback on the forums and in surveys. That’s all I can do I guess.

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Faction warfare and representation fall hand in hand and its sad that there are those who so heavily focus on that. That they cant sit back and enjoy a good story for what is is.

What good story?


No they don’t. You’re just proving you’ve never actually played as Horde.

You know what Horde players would love?


That would be heaven.


I mean, I only play Alliance nowadays mostly because every single Horde character i liked died. My Vanilla main was a Tauren because Cairne was my favorite WC3 character besides Illidan.

I do not have any hope of the Tauren ever being relevant to a story though, when every bit of Tauren focused content over the years has been cut or scrapped, and their big lore character didn’t even get a cutscene to die in.

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Why have stories about human beings when you can have stories of hideously deformed human beings? Wait, what?

“Horde players only care about fighting us.”
- Alliance players who think they’re the center of the whole damn universe


I have played horde, WoD belf marks hunter, legion, horde demon hunter, bfa horde druid/shaman, shadowlands, horde mm. But yes let representation ruin a story smh.

I care about them finally finishing Vol’jin’s story after leaving it on a cliffhanger for four years.


This right here, i enjoyed horde for the most part till they writers managed to ruin the horde for me when they had there genocide streak in bfa. And got rid of the honorable characters i liked.

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Oh god yeah.
That was both funny and sad at the same time.

Who burned the tree and why?
Did it happen before or after lordaeron?
Is there a conspiracy afoot?
Was it Nomi and his cooking?

Nah, it was the obvious story that everyone could have seen a mile off if not for them teasing it might not be XD

Talk about a let down.


Nomi would have been the best option, or the joke about Malfurion using the matches toy.


Well, we have a new tree now.
Always time for him to strike a match and set it ablaze. (Crosses fingers hopefully)

He is back too and is always sleepy. Lots of room for mistakes, lol.