Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

I’m sure under Azj-Kahet, in the Flooded Nightmare Caves where you either bring candles or flashlights lives the Horde friendly beings known as the sightless elves. Almost pure shadow and speak all seductively like a Succubus. They get to be the Horde specific allied race.

Also, they can teleport anywhere in the whole universe on a 1 hour cooldown. They can change size and leave void sparkles wherever they go.

The Alliance get blind rat gnomes. No, not Kobolds. But their uglier cousins who talk using Morse code clicks and their running animation is off center. But of course, the Alliance will rage that this expansion despite being 80% for them, we get the “good stuff”

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:

he is literally too good for the modern horde writers :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

cuz Alliance are great
and Horde suck

For the sake of conversation, which Horde characters do you feel would’ve made a good fit for the places and peoples we’re exploring in TWW thus far?

We’re dealing mostly with dwarves, and later, half-elves. Maybe the Half-Elves would’ve made for a good way to bring the Blood Elves into it, but I’m pretty sure we’d be back at square one, as when there are ONLY Blood Elves around to represent the Horde, it doesn’t feel like the Horde is represented.

Wait, are you talking about that hand full of quests where I stomped a bunch of centaurs with Baine that turned into an after school special about letting go of past prejudices? If so, you can have it. I spent more time helping the kids in Waking Shores that caught a baby proto dragon.

Baine not being half of what his father was is a travesty.

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Hallowfall has lightforged undead and some heavy scarlet monastery vibes so im hoping/expecting some forsaken and Lillian voss story later.
Its not really elaborated on theyre just there in the dungeon after a priest figures out how to rez people, so when the horde army show up i could see Lillian collecting the survivors and trying to intergrate them to the forsaken like Calia.

I cant think of any other horde specific character that would get deeply involved until the silvermoon stuff in midnight, besides maybe rokhan and the shadowhunters helping Alleria look for xalatath, since they have shadow magic. Or take the time to elaborate on the newer horde characters we got. The world itself is dying so everyone should be trying to help; probably once Thrall and Jaina get back with the reinforcements.

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Cata, Mists, WoD, Legion, BFA, the awful one. Horde’s had plenty of characters in the spotlight in past expac’s. It’s okay for them to chill for one or two.

In other words, their screen time is on cooldown.

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All it took for the Alliance to beat the Horde was for half of the Horde to join them (twice)!


Bro. We had Mists, WOD, BFA that were Horde expansions. As a person who plays Horde, lets give the Alliance some love.

I will say the only one that isn’t associated with the Alliance is Magni.

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Alliance had to suffer through Garrosh and Sylvanas. Horde’s turn to suffer with Anduin now.

what’s a Horde?

i sympathize really
i assume there will be Horde presence somewhere and in some points of the expansion

And yet, according to some of your fellow Horde players, the vast majority of the Horde remained loyal to the Slay Queen and only an insignificant minority allied with the Alliance. Hm…

Horde players have been suffering through Anduin since 2012 when we had to quest with him in Krasarang Wilds (and after).


Litteraly the leader of both our elfs are super strong mages
Ones kinda a hybrid mage warrior light user
His wife is pure old school mage and one of very few people who would technically be on the broken side of the scale

Thalyssra and Lor’themar

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Sacking the Horde capital is not a Horde fist-pumping moment.

Apart from Khadgar, WoD was neither a Horder nor Alliance-focused expansion. Although the Alliance had a hundred times more effort put into their garrison, by Blizzard.

BFA was an Alliance-focused expansion that was all about helping King Magni.

See above. Also Shadowlands and Dragonflight and Legion. Especially Legion.


Yea the issue is that both your super strong mages are depicted as meek little weaklings that pee their pants at the sight of Jaina. Out-classed by 40+ something year old human mages since for some reason they are always so strong GG.


anduin calls himself the king of stormwind like 2 or 3 times before stopping himself lol, this is huge cope.


WoD being a “horde” expansion is always a funny one. Guys! Trust me there are orcs it’s a horde exclusive expansion! Please ignore the existence of the draenei, it’s all horde!


I generally dont care about this sort of thing but they do need to shore up Horde leadership. I stopped playing Horde after Wrath but i dont know any of them, and l probably should know 2.

Get a Dracthyr in leadership. And give the Alliance real leadership from the Pandaren.

Horde also need a Goblin in power; Alliance a Dwarf

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The people who make these claims don’t actually play the game. They just sit in Goldshire on their Alliance level 10’s and talk about how pampered the Horde is.