Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

Hahaha, you wish. So do some alliance, so no judging.

He will get his return. The power was inside him the whole time. It’s about due for that plot point,

it so rarely happens these days in games and movies. That was sarcasm if meters broke .

I’ve only seen that done right once. We were soldiers. Sam Elliot played a hell of a sgt major imo.

We’ve come a long way with DEI and inclusion programs just so Blizzard sticks to 50 shades of humans as if other races don’t exist. I still think it’s because originally races were based on ethnic stereotypes and Blizzard kinda wants us to forget that.

I mean, CLEARLY, the refusal to delete/remove the horde from the game clearly show a huge bias from blizzard

I seriously don’t know how many years this will keep going /s


The fact he’s slinging such BS like he thinks it’s fact when she’s not dead or dust…she’s walking about the maw saving souls of the damned from torment. He’s just a troll we should all ignore at this point

Does horde even have a well known mage character? Like for Alliance Jaina is like the ultimate mage image lol. I can’t think of a single time I seen a horde commander and was like oh yeah he’s a cool mage. Do they exist in the horde? Just the blood elf’s from Dalaran right?

Horde = zug zug hit rock on tree and it dies

We won’t forget what horde did to Teldrassil and we will have our revenge, in this life or the next (expansion)

Thralls days are numbered

Baine is gonna end up as sliced roast beef sitting in a plastic container in the local deli at the grocery store

Does horde even have a well know character?

Hard to say, they killed of a bunch, we got Thrall and… i guess lorthemar? thats it

Memes aside, we do have Rommath(only elf with balls alive) and that craphead Aethas


oh no literally one alliance race didn’t get prioritized over a horde race




Good. Tired of Horde focused stories.

If you consider Anduin not Alliance then by the same token you have to consider Thrall not Horde either. He also stepped away from it and is off doing his own thing. He’s also BFFs with Jaina and Anduin which the Horde don’t care for.


Huh… Thrall is literally a member of the Horde Council.

If Thrall is part of the Horde, then explain this:

There’s no “if”, he’s literally commanding the Horde forces in Dornogal, and his Alliance counterpart is Jaina. JAINA. Not Anduin or Alleria.


Horde have had center stage for a while now, so it’s the Alliance’s turn. I mean the entire storyline of Cata, MoP, and SL was driven by Horde characters. DF wasn’t either Alliance or Horde, and Legion was slightly Alliance leaning but we also lost one of our only cool characters.

Also I’m pretty sure the Horde is very weak right now since you guys just lost multiple wars back to back and had a Civil War as well.

Cataclysm was 14 years ago man, and it was after vanilla-wrath of alliance as the center.

But i guess people still think the expansion where you invade the horde city, sack it and defeat their leader and get a title of conqueror is “horde bias” (12 years ago btw)

Or when we go to another dimension to kill evil orcs in masses - who did not belong to horde - is also an “horde expansion”.(10 years ago)


I disagree.

I think it’s simpler than that. People tend to go with what they’re comfortable with and because humans play this game, the majority at that time were men/boys/guys (age range included with those terms) I think that’s why they did it.

Just like a natural reflex. I don’t read more into it than that.
It’s the “mother’s face” and all that kind of psychology that applies so Idk if DEI was ever necessary and I think it’s on its way out but it did a good thing in bringing about awareness and I think that’ll stick with us longer.

Merit based accomplishments should always take precedence over incidentals.

Now that I think about it. I wish they would have gave those 2 blood elfs that stand near Rommath in silvermoon city more story over the years. I feel I know nothing about most of them tbh. In Midnight they will dump a bunch of elf stuff on us and we’re gonna be all surprised pikachu about it…

Actually, yes to some degree.

Although this discussion is mostly about the “Hero” characters, or the characters we side with in the story, he’s an example of how this matter isn’t as simple as it seems.

When we talk about representation, we need to answer different questions.

  • Does the character pledge allegiance to one faction?
  • Was the character a member of one faction around the time they were ascended to a higher importance role in the story that required more neutrality? (ex: Bolvar)
  • Does the character come from a race that belongs to one faction?
  • Did the character belong to some pre-existing form of the faction? (in this franchise, factions have gone through some different versions)
  • Does the character have strong relationships that favor one faction?
  • Do the aesthetics of this character clearly show alignment with one faction?

Answering these questions, in my opinion in that order of importance, will reveal what faction the character can be attributed to, which isn’t a binary answer either.
Some characters can be considered strictly members of one faction, like Jaina or Thrall (even if they’re friendly to the other faction), while others can be considered “weaker” members of their faction, like those who have officially renounced or clearly distanced themselves from their faction (not just becoming “neutral” for the sake of importance), ex: Illidan or Sylvannas.
But even those “weaker” examples can be considered content for that faction. Their mere presence makes the content more aligned with that faction’s lore.
That’s why it’s important to include members of both factions in the main stories.

Thalyssra and Rommath are the well known mages.


Doesn’t need story focus, but at the least could have us get our quests from our own NPCs. This council they loved to push on us are missing again.