Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

Highborne were night elves.

If you do archeology there you get night elf relics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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They are the same race. Just different classes of Night Elves.

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LoL, of course Illidan is an Alliance hero.
So you’re one of those that just declare Alliance characters neutral so you’re then left with a situation in which there’s a sort of artificial tie.
I bet you consider Bolvar neutral too, right? Maybe even Anduin, I wouldn’t be surprised.


By that logic all elves are the same race.
No wait that’s exactly what I said to begin with, make up your mind already are elves the same or aren’t they?

The ones that haven’t mutated are the same race, yes. The others just came from another. It’s evolution. They are all also magically evolved trolls.


2 zones: Val’sharah, Aszuna.
3 Dungeons: Darkheart Ticket, Cathedral of Eternal Night, Black Rook Hold (I’ll ignore eye of AZSHARA here)
2 Raids: Emerald Nightmare, Tomb of Sargeras (Temple of ELUNE).

Legion was Horde oriented LAWL…


There is no horde/alliance any more.

We’ve all banded together through the power of friendship.

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Not to mention some of the class halls were also Alliance dominated.


Maybe he should stop repeatidly saying “But I’m the king of stormwind” Stop trying to make excuses this is the second expansion that is extremely alliance heavy in a row.



Why are we, Champions of the Horde, forced to help the King of Stormwind? We were once lead by mighty warriors now we are lead by a council of LOSERS.

I don’t care if he claims to be “neutral” he can be neutral on a pike in the middle of Orgrimmar.

The questing in this expac made me really feel weird. It just feels Alliance. Like Blizzard hired people who all play allies. Like “oh boohoo my feelings I can’t use the light” my god… Also, I hate Dwarves. Now I have to be in a city surrounded by them… great. Disgusting things, the Horde should torch every one of them.


Threads like this are what push me over the threshold, from just wanting Horde stories again, to actually hating Alliance players.


Now behold the awful price of dissolving the faction lines. Where once an expansion leveling experience would involve two distinct stories and casts of characters, now it’s one homogenized slurry.

Half the game, full price. No more going back and saying “Hey. I wonder how this zone is for my orcs.” Because it’s the same. Yet people applaud it. We’ve been robbed, folks.

Anyone saying Legion was Horde dominated is off their nut. Legion, the expansion where the orcs were denied a confrontation with Kil’jeaden; the demon most directly responsible for the downfall of their clan-culture and the destruction of their world and ultimately caused the formation of The Horde itself…in favor of Illidan’s smirking smug face.

Argus should have been draenei and orcs putting aside the past in favor of killing demons. But the orcs didn’t turn up at all. Insane.


I think that too. But then I remember 9/10 times it’s just some dude that’s probably trolling. You have to be either insane or trolling to defend how much the horde is shoved aside at this point.

Every expansion we are told it will get better but it never does, it remains as alliance as it has been. Sure, Midnight exists but I guarantee you that expansion is going to be 99% blood elves with a lot of fan service to the Alliance with Lorth’emar being shown up by Alleria on how wrong he was to exile her or something.


Playing as Alliance in battlegrounds… the hate on Horde players is pretty intense.

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Really? I wouldn’t know I don’t pvp as alliance. Very cringe if that’s true :rofl:

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The real travesty here is that we lost an entire campaign. 2-faction campaigns with fully fledged story, absolutely erased since Shadowlands. It started earlier in Legion I suppose but you at least had the faction side quests. Now you quite literally cannot even attack an npc that is the opposite of your faction, they are all portrayed as friendly.


The what? You’ll have to refresh my memory on that.

Err IIRC there were certain sections that were horde/alliance specific, though most of the main story was the same for both factions. Mostly a few sections of stormheim and a few other sections if I recall.

Oh. So like the first 5 minutes of leveling in Stormheim? Yeah. It joined up once you met Odyn-in-disguise, though.


Not sure why there are two factions at this point. Might as well just have it all be “alliance” and call it a day.

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