Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

I just need Sylv’s sister and her boy toy to be getting wrecked and the real Windrunner to come back

Flashbacks to the time when Horde players were saying Thrall was neutral during the Horde favoritism era, immediately after saying Tirion Fordring was an Alliance one despite the fact that he had been exiled for defending an Orc.

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whoever laid off Christie golden could

The one time the horde got the treatment the Alliance has since Legion was over a decade ago and you guys are still bitter about it lmao


You’re not wrong. I continue to play Horde out of spite… But I agree it feels pretty bad. I will say, the writing IS a far sight better (what I’ve seen) but it still is candyassed Alliance all the way in terms of representationm


The treatment Alliance got? you mean because Draenei finally got their story update 14 years after bloodelves got theirs despite being introduced in the same expansion, and all the Horde players calling Illidan an “Alliance Character?”
I’ll remind you Horde favoritism was so rampant in BFA Blizzard had to do an apology about it, officially. When this happens in reverse then maybe I’ll concede Alliance got some favoritism.

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The only Horde girlboss is now neutral and off on a sidequest to be brought back later when it’s convenient. The rest of the relevant characters are all Alliance. The horde is defunct and has no reason to exist. This is just how the writing is, it’s been this way for a few expansions now. I’m not really sure what you expected. To be frank I’m surprised they even bother writing a Horde campaign at all at this point. It just seems like a waste of resources.


BRO wtf you talking Velen carried in Legion and the Draenei Lore got updated already in Legion. Did you start playing in BFA or something?


bro are you bad at reading? I fully acknowledged draenei got a story arc in legion, I also noted it came MANY years after bloodelves got theirs if you recall BC just completely ignoring the draenei entirely to focus on them

Because it was closing the story of the Sunwell. Draenei barely existed in Warcraft 3 and had nothing open to close at that time.

Even though, the Draenei were still heavily involved because of the Naaru.
Even at the end, Velen was the one that used M’uru essence to reignite the new Sunwell.

Blood elves got theirs in 2008, 14 years later is 2022, but Legion happened in 2016

So what is it in your case: are you BAD at Math or are you purposefully being dishonest in your argument?


I feel like I am expandable, ready give my life for my king Anduin. And I am an orc.
I served their beers, cleaned up their place, doing their wars for them too.

Congratz Blizz, finally there is no horde, it is gone.


bad at math, because i didn’t do it (math is for blockers)
Also just the Sunwell? We gonna ignore Tempest Keep? The massive Blood Elf presence in Black Temple? Didn’t see any Night Elves in the Illidari Council, who’s being dishonest now?
Alliance got snubbed hard in BC, we had a reasonably balanced WotLK and then it was almost entirely horde from there until the end of BFA. Sorry that we’re still salty about it but a decade is a much longer time than just 1 expansion.

Sorry, what?

So Legion was entirely Horde? You can’t be serious.


Almost entirely*
We had 1 season of the Draenei who were much more hands off than the season we spent in Suramar. Or are you one of those people who insist Illidan is an alliance hero somehow so therefor everything involving Illidan was Alliance?

Val’sharah and Azsuna had Night Elf stuff. Argus was us doing quests with Velen, Alleria and Turalyon.


You mean killing Blood Elves is blood elf content development?

Then what about Auchindoun???


And Highmountain had Tauren stuff. Also Azsuna was the Highborne, not Night Elf. They had just as much relation to your bloodelves as our night elves.

Totally forgettable. You don’t even remember they existed until we go back to recruit them in BFA.

They were the taunka 2.0

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Well if Highborne don’t count than neither do Highmountain Tauren because they weren’t even with the Horde yet.

Nightborne are Night Elves.

They were literally Night Elves. Blood Elves mutated from them.

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