Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

So does this mean we get to kill Anduin soon?


Whatever. Blizzard stated that these are Neutral stories, case-closed. I am right and youā€™re wrong. They are Neutral stories, NEUTRAL, period.

ā€œWhen the facts dont line up with my ramblings, dismiss anyone that disagreesā€


And yet heā€™s still the King of Stormwind. That is not a neutral character.

Lol. Just because the story is neutral doesnā€™t mean the character is neutral.


tbf do we really want these impotent nu-Horde characters to make an appearance? Iā€™d rather have no Horde representation than have to spend even a second with Baine.


Kind of yeah. Doomhammer had him killed, but he was the one running the Horde prior to Doomhammer killing Blackhand, then eventually having him killed. Saying Gulā€™dan isnā€™t Horde is like saying King Terenus isnā€™t Alliance, I mean heā€™s technically not part of the player faction version, but heā€™s a key figure in itā€™s history.


The story definitely favors the Alliance, or rather the humanlike races. Being dissonant towards the opinions/feelings of others doesnā€™t make your point any strongerā€¦


Thatā€™s a shame to hear this news, OP. Horde is amazing - unsure why Blizz has done this, but itā€™s disappointing to hear.

@Varodoc - Ummm, youā€™re kidding/trolling, right???

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The Horde literally got an entire faction-locked storyline centred around Baine and the Tauren in DF, and the Alliance had no counterpart.

Talk about real bias.

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Yeah and I hated every second of it.
Felt more like a punishment than anything else. I seriously wish theyā€™d kill Baine off already


Trolling with an Alliance slant is his forum roleplaying.

Its sorta all he does.

Just wish heā€™d keep it to the story forums, but I think they got tired of hisā€¦flexible view on history there.


Itā€™s an issue that has persisted and stewed for years, it has festered for so long that the only competent characters are alliance.

Good, time to delete the Horde and have a fun, family friendly Alliance for all.

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Iā€™m leaning in more than she is- it IS all her fault.

No one on the horde wanted that, that was such a contrived, forced, and unpleasant quest chain Iā€™ve never repeated it. Alliance is more than welcome to have all the optional content they want like that, please.


By the time I hit 80 I forgot that Thrall was even in this expansion at all until one of the loading screens stayed for a second longer than usual and I was like ā€œoh yeah, heā€™s supposed to be here too isnā€™t heā€


If youā€™re an alliance player, you notice that nearly all the leaders are humans despite having other races within the alliance.

So itā€™ll be interesting if Blizz shakes that up a bit and puts more different races in as leaders of this joined ā€œallianceā€ or blended factions deal thatā€™s going on now.

Or it might all fall apart. Idk. Weā€™ll have to see where the story goes.

Human nature will tug at the players though, if they see too many alliance/human leaders taking center stage.
The players will try to mirror them because everyone inherently wants to be on the winning team/side.
Weā€™ll see how this affects the playerbase, if at all in time to come.


I see no issues. This seems fine to me.

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No. You donā€™t want that. No one does. Everyone would miss the horde and the drama rama we bring.

Someone has to be the bad guys.

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