Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

The really frustrating aspect of this to me is that I don’t think this can ever really be reversed in WoW’s lifetime because they wouldn’t retcon Teldrassil. Doubling down on a “horde bad” storyline after MoP not only negated the whole point of that expansion’s ending, but canonically roping the horde player into being a (nominal at best) genocide accomplice just screwed everything up forever. :confused:


I don’t see how Teldrassil makes the Horde evil.

They had a leader run amuck, she was eventually challenged by one of her own and that redeemed them.


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I’m at the point I dont want another Horde story. Each one just lead to our War Chiefs going Psycho and being killed off.

Unless they can find a way to make a compelling story that doesnt kill off a WC, then keep me backseat please. (Luckily we don’t have a WC to be killed off now)

Im guessing thrall will play a role in later patches, i see the man in the loading screen but not in the main story. I suspect once the Campaign starts we will see more of him and the horde and alliance reinforcement.

Yea no lets not repeat the atrocity that was cata.

You only thought you wanted Horde characters in the game, blizzard knew better. They knew what you really wanted was to see anduin get in touch with his feelings. They knew you weren’t curious about what the WarCh- I mean, Horde Council’s thoughts or actions about all of this.
Tell you what, don’t bring this up again and they might devote some time to every Horde players favorite character Calia Menithil.


The irony of you posting in a horde thread calling out Alliance bias is just too funny.

no, lets do repeat that, cata was much better than shadowlands and Df in lore

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The thing is, he’s there as a counterpart to Jaina. They are the mirrored characters that we have in each expansion to “rally their faction” and probably hand out some mirrored quests.

So, everything Thrall gets, Jaine will also get. But, apart from them, the rest of the cast is 100% Alliance. This obviously means that the imbalance will persist unless more Horde characters are introduced.

It’s funny how, even though they’re supposed to be these mirrored representatives, we got an in-game cutscene with only Jaina during the prepatch and she only says that she needs to tell Thrall about the events. But, well, I guess that’s because Thrall was in the trailer.

It’s really odd how people treat the factions like they are some kind of oppressive power structure that needs to be totally deconstructed in order to…I’m not even sure…make “progress” in a video game?

I think most of it is just people that can’t handle being told “No, sorry, your Gnome does not belong in Thunderbluff” but they mask it behind a bunch of activism buzzwords.

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There was a sickening crunching sound as a particularly large Tauren bull stumbled and almost fell. He quickly grabbed the side of the nearest building to steady himself. “That’ll teach me to look where I was going instead of watching the wyvern-riders doing maneuvers up in the sky…” he said ruefully, then lifted up the offending leg and examined his hoof. A sticky red mass of hair and cloth was partially adhered to it’s bottom surface. “Oh ####, what’d I step on!?”


I saw plenty of goblins in the second zone, in fact they got a spa there. Whatever a goblin spa is really.

Goblins have set up shop on the isle of dorn, the ringing deeps, and azj kahet. Ive not seen them in hallowfall but it wouldnt shock me if they were there.

The next patch is datamined to be goblins and foreshadowed to be undermine, which is probably why khaz algar is littered with them.

Elves and humans are hot and people want to see more of them. :dracthyr_shrug:

I mean just look at the played race statistics for this game, it’s like ~90% humans and elves.



Guys, can we all just Agree that the Alliance is the Democrats and the Horde is the Not The Democrats?

That’s fine by me.

It’s definitely weird. Of course this is a side effect of the downright atrocious writing Horde have received for leaders and NPCs lately. Who should represent them? Any character that gets buildup is killed or turned into a raid boss.

Then there’s the undead. Yikes. A council of thinly developed nobodies, Voss, and Calia who everyone hates. It did seem like they might be setting up Nathanos as a replacement for Sylvanas by giving him prominence in the narrative, then he went into simp mode.

Idk, the Horde are simply lacking developed characters.


While I absolutely love Dhadgar, and Magni they are not horde, and you’re right. Where is Theron, or other horde leadership helping out in this? Not necessarily faction leaders even some prominent horde leaders would be great to see. So far Ive only been questing in Dorn, so haven’t gotten too far yet.

I liked Nathanos, he was wickedly fun and should not have been killed off.


How dare you, I never played Classic. If I can’t be a Goblin, then it’s not worth playing.

WoD, I don’t remember an Alliance faction leader being a major player in two different zones.

Probably in the players that turn pvp on to fight you.