Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

Goblins have always been one of the more varied races, along with dwarves. The “RL ideas reflected” was kind of the problem. The classic goblin factions were considered transactionally friendly, while the Horde goblin faction was run by someone who was essentially a parody of real-world businessmen and was supposed to be a hate-sink not just for the other races but even for other goblins. Having your own representative be someone you’re supposed to hate is, well, hardly enjoyable. It might play a part in why we are one of the least played player races, with even several allied races outnumbering us.

Now, the Horde goblins who have always to some extent or another been at least sort of heroic (the gob squad in Pandaria and BFA) will be represented as cunning with more altruistic ideals, and other non-player factions of the race will be more evil ones. It also circumvents the not easily dismissed criticism about the goblins being a bunch of bad real world stereotypes.

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I think the roster is largely neutral which isn’t a bad thing in my opinion. As far as Horde characters go, it really doesn’t help that they’ve killed off a lot of them or put them in “time out” in a corner somewhere. Thrall (one of the OGs) is technically Horde, but in the loosest of terms at this point. Even back in the day, him and Jaina were close so there was always Alliance ties. He’s kinda found his “zen” so to speak while being a shaman so I don’t think faction matters as much to him. Baine is criminally underused, and when he is I can’t stand him.


Not to mention hate-sinks for the Blizzard staff…

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If you wanna be a brain dead peon, you just play an orc and there you go. Horde cried out when the main race was everything orc.

We dont need zig zug at all. Just like we dont need human potential either.

“largely neutral roster”

Also, the roster:


That doesn’t change anything I said. Those characters are all largely neutral at this point.

The wife of the regent of Stormwind who has her own 50-foot statue in front of the city cannot possibly be considered an Alliance character!



No unironically though this is the meme of blizzards writing. When they use Alliance characters they write them in such a neutral context, constantly. With this xpac I think it’s mainly more a result of WoW not knowing the heck to do with factions rn.

Frankly every character involved here feels completely out of place. The Earthen arent much like the Dwarves, the Arathi don’t feel like anything past ‘the light’ stuff and Nerubians are Nerubians (in the south of the planet for god knows why, because we couldn’t save this for Azjol-Nerub in The Last Titan instead to hype up a place with actual history lmao). But the fact it’s really just Thrall who immediately leaves, and Gazlowe who randomly shows up, does show how little effort they really put into either of 'em.

And it’s weird because like, even putting aside faction stuff, Thrall and Malfurion are prolly the two most truly connected to the world itself of the leader roster, in an xpac whose backdrop is tied really heavily to the world’s soul… just weird neither of them do like anything compared to… Jaina, who just kind of exists?


I know there are jokes about Warriors, but it’s not completely braindead. And peons cut down trees. I’m not doing that.

And of course when one thing gets the most focus people will complain about it. Just like now. Variety is the spice of life.

Well that’s just your opinion man.

I do get what you are saying though. There is too much focus on two races, but that’s why we could use quests to flesh that stuff out. I’m hoping the Goblin stuff is something and not overhyped.

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That’s easy. Go back to the way things used to be and tell the Alliance players to stop driving off their good players.


King of stormwind humans
Leader of kul’tiras
Leader of void elves

thrall dude, orc leader

Very neutral, also, bonus point, Xalatath as void elf

do you guys also noticed how everyone is blue eyed, blonde and white, human or elf? only Thrall is the exception, but even him have blue eyes, so much for diversity


You can’t deny some of the artworks for Gallywix have an uncanny resemblance to a certain executive who no longer works here. I always thought they wanted a certain “corporate wrestling villain” thing with him but aside from some selective quest text and the heritage armor chain they don’t really do followup quests to racial starting zones in this game. I do think Gallywix will return at the top of Venture Co, which is where his character makes sense.

But I’ve said multiple times, playable goblins has to mean goblins can save the world. And goblins saving the world means at least SOME of them have to actually give a flip about doing the right thing. Making those ones the playable faction and the third parties into the sleazeballs makes a lot of sense.

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There are absolutely named Goblins who are named after former Blizzard staff. And even give out quotes said by those people IRL.


Shes not a void elf.

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I hope we eventually do get to see her real form.


If she doesnt turn void monster in her inevitable boss fight im going to be so disappointed

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Really, same! It better be pretty ugly too.


I think very few goblins dont want the world to be saved, if primarily for the self-interested reasons most creatures have to just not die.

I do think there’s a way to write that culturally the common ‘hero’ identity of a race isn’t super altruistic by the standards of others, but still very transactional and interested in trying to get the best benefit out of it.

Sometimes it’s also a matter of limited scope i think too right. SL was dividing it’s attention too much to ever avoid this issue, even if it’s premise wasnt 4 afterlives that make no sense in the cosmology lmao.

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You don’t want any blood and glory in a video game about war ???

Why are you playing this game???


The Horde was not the evil faction.

The Horde was the outcast faction.

Now they are the adjacent-to-the-Alliance faction.

It’s almost as bad as turning them into dressed-up humans.