Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

I think it was players crying:

I want to play with my friends but they don’t like me enough to create a character on the opposite faction so we can, so end the faction war and let everyone play together!

And Blizzard initially said no but then thought about it, realized they would no longer have to spend time and resources on creating separate questlines/NPCs and went:

Yay, less content for them and more money for us! Let’s do it but pretend it is to move the story to be more in line with modern day values and giving the players what they want!. We’ll have to homogenize the races to support the narrative but it will be worth it for the extra cash!


Definitely a lot of that as well.

And this part is absolutely true:

Being able to cut us down to a single campaign while we begged for it over convenience was fantastic for them.

We are “being inclusive” we are not “charging you the same for less.”

You’re not going to sell anyone on technicality.

"All of these Alliance characters aren’t actually Alliance, you see, they have joined and/or led Alliance-aligned organizations!

This means they are neutral."

Varodoc you really do deserve a pat on the back for effort my man.

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And suddenly the tunes of certain people in this thread would flip drastically.

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I’m chuckling throughout the Arathi storyline because the Arathi Empire on the surface is 100% going to be an enemy, not an ally. Certainly for the Horde, if not also the Alliance once they compare ‘ideals’.

These folks down in Hollowfell seem nice but even they are in for a rude awakening when we get them back home post TWW and their former countrymen take one look at us and declare us enemies.


Assisting Syegfryed with pic:

Alas poor Horde…


Not just the lead characters, one city is dwarves… one is, rats with candles+dwarves? The other is human and then the big human variant from bfa. The only thing slightly resembling even distribution was dalaran and that’s a stretch + that lasted about 4 minutes.


This makes me sad.

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The Nerubians are a nice bunch to hang out with.

no, i want an alliance focused expansion where the horde with the help of some alliance traitors, invade stormwind to kill anduin


They’re going to have to change Thrall’s name to Token for this expansion. So far, TWW has been Alliance and Friends.


sissy alliance bois were jealous and stole our sexy queen and garrosh. they never got over us dunking on them in all gamemodes and getting blood elves instead of them

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As I understand it, this is only chapter 1 of the campaign. There are 4 more coming.

Anyway, there is an ebb and flow to this kind of thing. Horde characters are so often front and center in Blizzard storytelling. That’s OK, as generally they have had more interesting stories to tell. Even when no faction is taking center stage, I have always felt there to be functionally something of a Horde slant, because the political ramifications of stories often just mean more to Horde characters. Like, sure, the stakes are the same for everyone, but Horde politics are just so prevalent in so many stories in WoW. I say this as a person who has mostly plays Horde. In fact, I’m playing a Horde character in TWW right now

When you come back from a break and your first quest is to talk to some dryads about how cute they are and how to get their crush to notice them, you know there won’t be anymore horde stories. It’s Alliance writers and Alliance stories from now on.


“And Thrall was there,” is the narrative depth. But honestly, I’m fine with it. The story has been fine.

Thing that irks me the most is that the Alliance seemed to hog up all ‘The Light’ content — So I was hoping when we eventually got void content, the Horde would get a character or race to shine …

Then they introduced Void Elves as a race (instead of a skin for Belves) to the Alliance and forcibly make Karen Alleria Windrunner the go-to “Hero-Representative” of the void and shoe-horning all of the core void-content to them … :roll_eyes:

As for expansions ahead?

I seriously — seriously, oh so very SERIOUSLY hope that Alleria actually gets BEATEN by Xal’atath and it’s actually a different main-hero to assist us in whatever raid or end-cinematic towards taking her “off the board” – so to speak.

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Yeah they’ll totally make things equally about the Horde in the rest of the expansion.

Just like they did with Shadowlands, right? Where it was all Bolvar (and Bolvar’s daughter, bizarrely) and Jaina and trying to rescue Anduin.

Just like they did with the second half of Dragonflight, where it was all Night Elves, right?

Just like they did with the second half of Battle for Azeroth, where it was all continuing to help Magni, and Wrathion moves in to his timeshare in Stormwind but won’t even bother to say hello to the Horde stuck in Zandalar, right?

Just like they did in Legion when suddenly out of nowhere the main actors were no longer Velen, Illidan, Khadgar, Maiev, etc., right?

Give me a break.

There is?

Cata was, what, 12 years ago?


You know what I love, Is when I set up the Horde Embassy within Dornogal at the direction of Thrall… I get done with it… and then Immediately start reporting right back to the Alliance.

God. Would IT have hurt them to give us a bone? Why is my character constantly just okay with reporting to leadership of the opposite faction constantly?

I literally helped burn down Teldrassil. I partook in the wars. My character should absolutely hate the Alliance… Yet… Here I am.

“Yes Moira… What can I do for you now Moira… Oh Hello Anduin… Yes what would you also like me to do? Oh you’d like to redecorate your home for you back on Azeroth Moira? Sure. I guess. Lets set up an appointment.”

Thralls only words to me “Greetings Champion” Lady Liadrin won’t even talk to me… Yet I get to listen to another “STay Awhile and listen” between All the alliance yet again.

Seriously… How Hard would it have been to make us report to Thrall or Lady Liadrin once they returns. Like I get it. You had Thrall dip out for stupid reason #7 right at the beginning leaving us Leaderless… It’s better than constantly going to the Alliance. Let us keep our Faction Identity. Why am I going away from mine? This ruins my immersion. After 17 years… I am Horde. I am not Alliance. The Alliance has and always will be my Enemy. Stop having me report to them. Let. Us. Keep. Our. Faction. Identity.


Worse. 13-14 actually.