Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

It really is a bad thing for us to have nothing. And no blood and glory in a war game? Why not? It doesn’t have to be against the Alliance. But there are stories they could have had for us that needed wrapped up or flesh out some of our new characters.

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Imo factions arent really a big deal.
Horde, alliance, were all just people at the end of a computer.
If people are getting joy out of others being upset then yeah that is pretty toxic i agree.
(Although i do admit there is one particular horde player im kinda okay seeing upset over it… but i just dont like that person :stuck_out_tongue: )

This is one of the problems. Thrall’s Horde was supposed to be different and was when we joined, and then with Garrosh they decided differently. BFA was the final nail for Horde faction fantasy.


They identify as neutral faction, don’t you guys understand?? Stop being a bigot.

And you can feel that way but understand it’s different for others. I like my faction. I like what I joined. Don’t really care for what writers turned it into, but would like to see a return to what it was.


Thats the thing. We arent at the stage of a big war. We dont need that mind set at all right now. That is what the horde embodies cause the only inportant race written is orc. Tauren could be here instead trying to help with spirit stuff for the earthen or some jumbo.

“keep the blood and glory away from warcraft”

This is an actual comment from a world of warcraft player

This is the second time i got bombarbed with some nonsense like this TODAY, after the “warcraft doesn’t need alliance and horde”

Like, guys, why you even play this game? it is all about blood and glory, you sign for this when you joined


We are in the beginnings of the fight against the void. And in that time they could have given us quests about Thalyssra and Lor’themar getting married (happened in an online short story instead) or Vol’jin’s story being finished after a four year long cliffhanger. Could flesh out any of the newer races like I said. Not everything has to be all out war or genocide against the Alliance.

I don’t know how we got so far from what makes WoW unique but we really need to course correct. Maybe even over-correct a bit.


I dont know if what it was in the past would work now as the horde has grown and developed a lot since then. Theyre no longer a struggling group of misfits fighting for survival.

But i would say that i honestly have no idea what the current horde is or what it stands for.
That i would like to see developed.
The evil has been kicked out but theres not been a focus on factions since then to develop it.
It would be good to see their goals and ethics in this post council world.

Its ok, vanilla, times have changed. The story does not involve horde and ally killing each other for the right to live now. There is no glory in an orc being a meat shield for their warchief anymore.

Even if they aren’t misfits struggling for survival, they manage to figure out stuff like Thrall’s short story but never put that in game. Like I mentioned above, Thalyssra and Lor’themar’s wedding.

It’s still a group of unlikely people that came together. And now we are fighting big bads around the globe. But I feel like they need to think smaller and just to more inner personal stories.

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“Vanilla times”

We literally had blood and glory in BFA you know, two expansions ago?

Well maybe that is why is crap then, now we know what we need to change


If you are a horde player I’m guessing Blizzard must think you don’t care about fantasy or story.

Horde cities are absolute trash for roleplaying purposes, roleplaying as a character in the horde became hard to justify in expansions like BFA where the entire faction gets stupified for plot reasons, all relevant horde characters either end up dead, decommissioned or simply aren’t powerful and cannot have the plot relevancy of someone like Malfurion, Khadgar or Jaina.

I’d say that maybe we’d be in a horde renaissance in Midnight but I know damn well the expansion will be about the alliance girlbossing their way into Silvermoon explaining why it should actually be a neutral city as they save the pesky little blood elves that dared to not drop over and die in TBC.


Bfa was considered crap too. Lotta help that expac did. We had plenty of horde crying about orc centric values in most of the faction wars.

The story isnt as great cause they cant flesh out all the races we got.

yeah, because Sylvanus made it crap, which lead to the worst expansion shadowlands, who also didnt had factions

so the scores are still positive for factions

You know when they did that? when he had different questlines for different factions

kinda hard to flesh out races, when you ignore factions, and focus on individual heroes like protagonists in an avengers movie, who are also all humans or elves


A better option would be to re-establish the faction barriers by removing cross-faction gameplay.

And watch the Alliance playerbase rot on the vine, again.

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She led the horde faction. If she made it crap, it was the horde at fault.

Dont know if you got what i meant by blood and glory. Thats an orc thing. Where are the pandaren? The trolls? The nightborne?

Dreanei live with crystals, but have no use for these earthen that have crystals in there bodies?

Where are the zandalari? Surely they could find a new loa with this spirit bird in the first zone.

This was the writers’ fault. They decided, let’s make the person that hated Arthas the most into Arthas.

Did someone chop off their arms and make them not able to be Warriors? Because I’m very Zug Zug but also very Salami-ashalanore.


It was the character fault

We literally had vanila-tbc-wrath-cata-wod as good lore/story expansions related to factions , only BFA being bad. In contrast, shadowlands and DF who didn’t focus on factios had bad lore-story all together.

Like i said, scores are positive for factions.

Thats a HORDE thing, trolls thirst for blood the same, nightborne fight for glory of their people

You get these things when you focus on the factions, and by consequence, their races, you know, just like we did before?

you do not get anything race related if the story focus is all about Alleria and anduin and some randoms we find in a new continent