Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

Yeah it’s wild to me how many Alliance players don’t get that the big problem is Horde quests being eliminated altogether and that we don’t even get neutral quests from our NPCs anymore. They are mostly not even there.


Just closer to wiping out the horde for good.

Am I late for the horde pity party? I brought popcorn!

I see so many horde players(not all) about “doesn’t matter” when an expansion is horde-centric be it good or bad. But the minute the expansion sees a little bit of Alliance. Lo and behold, angry mobs of wailers.

How dare we see Alliance and how dare Alliance help horde people while they needed someone to save in the VERY STARTING of expansion.

While there is STILL whole expansion left……….

“Buck, with an F you – got mine”, is quite the reoccurring problem.


HAHHAHAAHA nice bait bro.


Would love to be there when that happens….

Dismantle Both Horde and Alliance…

Just to shut up this “Please pay attention to us only” hordes

This is not what, at least the horde players I generally see, ask for.

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No one has said this. And they aren’t getting rid of factions.


Expansion is LONG. Still, a lot of stories left.
This is like the first 15 minutes of a 2-hour movie.

All these people look like toddlers who are angry that other babies got the toy first before them. And want it to be snatched and given to them.

except there hasn’t been a horde-centric expansion ever. an expansion with two different campaigns for the differing factions by definition means that one faction isn’t hogging all the spotlight, since both sides get relatively the same amount of content regarding their factions.

The only faction centric expansions to exist are Alliance ones.

Legion, Dragonflight, Shadowlands and now The War Within are all the expansions with exclusively one faction campaign and what do they all have in common? Horde sits in the corner while the alliance does all the heroing.


Says the person that came in here assuming everything and calling people names. Calm down sir. People just want some quests for Horde or to get quests from our NPCs. You can still have all of your horses and Anduin.


There was no assumption.

I read the chat and saw what i needed to see lol

Well point me to the posts where anyone said these things.

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the only expansion that was horde centric was Cataclysm, - because it fixed the huge unbalance the game had towards the alliance from vanilla to wrath - stop spreading false information

All the expansions that people lie saying it was horde centric(Wod/MOP/BFA) had equal questlines and characterization for both factions

If you claim raiding to sack a horde city, defeat their leader, get horde transmogs and a conquereror’s title(MOP), killing evil orcs who don’t belong to the horde(WOD) or just because Saurfang show up in some cinematics(BFA) are horde centric you are putting a big red nose on yourself.


You said you want representation.

And when there are horde leaders present. “Just coz he was there doesn’t mean anything, there had to be more”

Baine and Thrall sitting in a corner will never mean anything. Stop trolling.


Im not a believer in bfa being for or against a single faction.
But tbf he was in all the cinematics :stuck_out_tongue:

Except the Jaina ones.

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Thrall actually did take part in the story.
Baine on the other hand… yeah completely fair criticism. Im not sure why they even included him.

Sorry i meant high budget cgi ones