Barely Any Horde Characters In TWW

it’s not Faction-locked. You can play it as Alliance.

doesn’t quite seem fair when the Horde also had to suffer through Garrosh and Sylvanas.


Blizzard gutted any and all our leaders that had a spine.

Horde is little more than ashes and bones in pride or functionality…they even forced a council on us.

A council…an Alliance feature has become a Horde one.

It’d make more sense for the Horde to dissolve than to continue this embarrassing existence created by people who only see the Horde as a plot device to rock the boat.


He is? He looks very steampunk from Stormwind

As the saying goes:
The higher the hair, decorations, and shoulderpads, the closer to god.

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I don’t know what that means, lol. But yes, he’s a ranger. He was second in command to the Ranger General during the second and third war.

Between the wars he got passed over for promotion because of Silvermoon’s notorious nepotism when it comes to Windrunners.


Except Garrosh and Sylvannas were depicted as the bad guys. Anduin is the hero.
It’s not the same.

They have adopted RL human ‘lawful good’ morality… which, in WoW, equals human which equals Alliance.

Heck, they have gone beyond that, introducing the beginnings of democracy with their ruling councils.

Because that is what the RL average person wants to see in their entertainment these days, their fixed, narrow ideals reflected back at them.

It’s sad to see the more dynamic, unique races become nothing more than dressed-up humans. It is especially nauseating in the cases of the Undead and Goblins.

But I guess: Welcome to the Night Elf’s world!


I was flabbergasted that Jaina and Thrall, just said , " so long and thanks for all the fish" and ported back to Azeroth, but Anduin and Magni remained in the basement of the first inn.
I know they have important stuff to do in their respective cities, but what is more important than a new expansion , with a new villain that can melt your head?

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I think its baffling, that this is a statement from a world of warcraft player

Like, actually unbelivable

Is like saying:
“there is no need for sonic, in a sonic game”
'there is no need for Mario, in a super mario game"
“there is no need for aliens in an alien movie”

No it doesn’t

And that is precisely the problem we are facing.

the bare minimum they could have done is sharing a questline but with different NPCS.

If you are alliance, you quest with Alleria, if you are horde you quest with Lorthemar and so on

Doesn’t need to be like BFA, just make it like CATa and we are good.


And you’re on copium. You should probably try to enjoy 2025 as much as you can, because it will be the last year of Horde Silvermoon. :slight_smile:

You should try making better posts.


And you should try smiling for the Human-High Elf selfies come Midnight. :smiley:

Your posts have gotten worse. Bait use to be believable.


you had warlords of draenor, and all of shadowlands was basically horde centric and alliance were npcs

How was WoD our expansion? Also, all of Shadowlands was basically Horde centric and the Alliance were npcs? Idk, if we weren’t hearing about the Jailer we were hearing about Tyrande and the Night Warrior legacy.


Neither of these were. WoD was an alt earth of a different Horde and not really to do with our Horde. And SL was completely about different things with us doing quests with Jaina to go and rescue Anduin and Baine. It was mostly about the afterlife.


actually lmao XD

Like Baine sitting in oribus the entire expansion, very horde centric

people have no shame in those forums anymore


WoD was also an expansion with dual faction questlines; Horde took quests from Durotan and other orc/Horde characters while Alliance took quests from Velen and other Draenei/Alliance characters.