Bard Class. Is it possible?

You know, I just had a interesting thought that could world for WoW.

Why not add “Bard” as a secondary profession?

Pretty much a copy of the Performance feature in FFXIV, with some quests added to unlock various instruments (you start with one and gain more as you dive deeper into it), but not tying it down to a particular class or spec.

I guess the one thing lost is “bard” as a support class, but it does give players are music-making toy in-game just to have fun with it.

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I agree…

The FF14 Bard is basically a pet-less ranger who sings. I would not mind that in WoW at all.

I’d love a real support class but that only exists in FFXI and older titles now.

Too many people were “forced” to play them, just like people are “forced” to heal or tank now. Bards and such exist only in name now and that includes XIVs.

The people who actually adored the play-style are the victims.

At this point blizz doesnt seem to want to bring in a new class with mulitple specs to try and balance. Personally I think if their gonna add something new its going to be a single spec for a class, which is one of the reasons why people thought death knights might get a new spec for shadowlands.

It has to fit the expansion theme though otherwise peope will just call it a class bias for example Sargeras escapes demons rise up again for another expac and demon hunters team up with wardens to lead us in the fight with a new warden demon hunter spec.