Barbershop for Anniversary Servers

Make that 4, I’m also against this. Your choices matter. You’ll have to reroll.

your choices literally dont matter as its pixels on a screen that billzard can make some $ off of by allowing us to change them.

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Preferably it’d be in-game and changed with gold.

Three \ for the arm on the left makes it show up like this

because my character looks like a carrot

my suggestion was to have a barbershop toy you could buy from the shop, but it’d be bop, and a barbershop toy that would be a rare world drop akin to staff of jordan rarity, but it’d be boe and you could keep it or sell it on the ah. the toy would launch a scaled down customization pop-up, with hair style, hair color, piercings, skin color, face and some rare customization that isnt available in retail, like a height mod.

cool idea, but maybe an in-game barbershop or a store service idk

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thats gonna trigger the purists

hehe well i also suggested a transmog toy, similar to the barbershop toy - bop from shop, boe as world drop, with a pop-up interface that lets you mog your gear, with a ten level range, mog fades if you’re flagged and no tier sets can be mogged.

if theyd just add wrath barbershop with vanilla features like they added wrath dual spec thatd be great


agreed but i was looking for incentives for blizz to add stuff that wasnt there, and shop items are incentive

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Thats gonna trigger some snowflakes

This would be a good addition since we already have a wrath feature in the form of dual spec.

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No thanks, I don’t want to have to purchase something like this from the shop. I’d rather it come from a quest line or like before, just put a shop in the city and open it for business.

well i did suggest bop from shop AND boe as world drop. and as such, itd be on the ah at the same rate as an epic world drop, like staff of jordan. i think if they did that with everything on the shop, other than services, itd be alot more player friendly

and to be sure you understand - the shop version is bop, so no pay to win. the world drop is boe, same product but sellable on the ah if you happen to loot it in your travels

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Wouldn’t mind a mini questline like helping the barbershop owner get his tools or something. The house where it implemented is quite empty and unused, so it’d be nice content.

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No shop for items that we got for free in expansions. Just put the damn thing in the game like before. Changing hair color shouldn’t become such a big deal.

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If your hair colour isn’t such a big deal, why do you care so much about changing it.

All for Barbershop, but no Cash shop!


because we care about how our character looks to us