It was a rhetorical question, I was highlighting that the argument “it’s not a big deal” is self-defeating.
This isn’t Era, this isn’t no changes fresh, why do you care if we change our hair? How does that ruin your experience?
By the way, it may not be a big deal to me, but you guys are trying to make it so.
There is no Era shop. Literally nothing. So I don’t expect a barbershop toy to be developed to sell in the Era shop after they removed the only item in the shop.
we didnt have it in tbc, so theyd have to use employee time to incorporate it. also if we could get tbc era, itd never roll over to wotlk where barbershop was added and cata, where transmog was added. to convince them to give us tbc era, they need incentives. what incentive is there for perma tbc?
target is tbc
i mean yea its not a big deal so they should add it since its inconsequential and a good gold sink since dual spec is here now
But if it’s not a big deal, then why should they spend time and resources that could be spent on other projects?
If it’s not a big deal, why are players so concerned that it should be added?
You see that the argument is counter-intuitive.
why do you care where resources and time are spent by a multi-dollar company?
YES. This would be so good for the game because there are jumps and pillars that are gender-dependent.
maybe should have spent more then 3 seconds in the create screen
maybe people change their mind bro?
That’s a specious argument. WoW Classic only gets so many development hours per week. Why should they be portioned to something that “isn’t a big deal”?
they can already backport wotlk abilities and dual spec. Im sure backporting barbershop would take 5 seconds.
I think you are severely underestimating how much development and testing time goes into “simple” changes.
It would be more accurate to say underestimating how badly blizzard can bungle simple changes.
Bit of column A, bit of column B!
how would you know?
I play female tauren so I wouldn’t use it, but I wouldn’t mind it
“Not a big deal” means that it has no effect on combat/gameplay.
Not concerned, it’s just a fun feature that a lot of players enjoy and would really like.
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Add it and also turn on summoning stones. They are coming anyways