Barbershop for Anniversary Servers

how does dual spec make the game worse?

Players to this day use a much smaller component of their class kit in raid, while in Arena they had to add back abilities as PvP talents.

They are PVP talents not because they are bad abilities but because raid only players are generally bad and somehow can’t understand that they aren’t forced to keybind the abilities they don’t use.

This is no different in Vanilla where raiders only use a small fraction of their class kit and in many instances (especially hybrid players) don’t even understand how to actually play their own classes to 10% of its capabilities.

These are the words of the terrible and ignorant. I assume you are just ignorant.

That’s one good-looking dwarf you got there, op, not sure how you think you can improve on it.

we all have opinions

can you tell me how dual spec made the game worse?

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You dont need to interact as much with the game itself to change characters talents, and as a result you see and do less in game.

Dual spec just enables raid logging like behaviour, where as on WMC we dont have that so lots of us go do things like orb runs in Strath, rune runs in Sholo, farms fel cloth, rune cloth, etc.

But on NS you just pay one time less than my weekly respec cost and you can skip the community side of the game so raid loggers dont have to do anything but raid log…,

Really raid loggers may as well just play cata… Tho maybe that is too hard for them?

spending 100g at an npc is meaningful interaction? who cares where you respec?

dual spec literally enables the opposite of raid logging, where people can respec to their pvp spec for free and go out into the world, or spec into their healing/tanking spec and run dungeons.

I honestly have no idea where youre getting the idea that dual spec will cause more raid logging…


Actually it removes gold from the economy; its a positive force.

Look at NS’s economy now, its in shambles.

Because you don’t understand that raid loggers only play 2% of the games content given the opportunity to do so.

players are freaking lazy, they will always take the path of least resistance and do the bare minimum.

Stop hiding your helm and no one will be able to see your character’s ugly face.

Barbershop is a good goldsink remedy

if it was like 10k per, then sure.

Thats dumb…at the very least like 1g per feature changed

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Why are you so against barbershop? is it because youre bald? so many bald male humans are against QoL changes…coincidence?


why would you name yourself after a buncha cockroaches?


i know right?

Well bald guys really don’t have much use for a barber shop soooooo…


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theres like 3 of them in here who were against this idea

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they can un-bald themselves with a barbershop

how do you already regret your character so soon?