I know its a controversial topic but i for one am very glad to see a crackdown on people leaving mythic plus keys intentionally deranking them just because of…
(pick a reason, most are nonsense)
Below are my favorites
Only listing the ones with a 9+ key… i love yall, but yall some kind of special sometimes, just calm down.
Healer not interrupting as much as a dps (priest)
Tank not pulling the entire entryway (stonevault)
Shaman who wont lust since there was a hunter (marksman, lone wolf he was doing 850k single before yall judge) and blamed him for not utilizing his class peoperly and carrying a needed ability
And the death knight who was on the last boss of arakara, soloing it from 30% to dead (shaman left from impatience, didnt brick the key, +10 he was worried about deranking (there was no risk) just silly people being silly)
But thank you so much for doing something about the keys, thank you devs so much. Participation and completion will grow, just give it time. Mythic plus is a toxic culture but the only ones complaining about the bans are the ones who leave keys, as a community member i can absolutely speak with the silent majority here. Thank you for taking action.
Funny how I’ve done nothing but pug since ICC was current content and I have less horror stories from over 14 years of pugging than some of you people claim to have in a couple weeks of dungeons. What do you guys do? Literally invite the first people who apply to your groups? lol
Wishful thinking. My account received no action, and I’ve probably left somewhere around 7 keys this season (several being my own). Which tells me Blizzard is looking for extreme offenders, not players who don’t want to spend 4,000 gold in repairs and waste 90 minutes to complete a +7 because BillyAbilityClicker doesn’t care enough about himself, or other people, to read a couple of guides on how to not play the game like a moose.
If/when Blizzard decides to start penalizing well-meaning players who enter every key with the intention of timing it, but can’t control that someone(s) else isn’t capable of doing what’s needed to make that possible in a timely fashion, bad players who RNG into backpack runs now will have a near impossible time getting to play the game, and average players will just stop playing. So nothing was accomplished today except for a PR stunt, and people falling for it.
Do you:
- Repeatedly and recklessly leave keys; without regard or deliberately intending to harm?
- Leave keys Intentionally a great many times
It’s interesting to me that they must have a way of tracking it already. Would it be as simple as the sheer amount of times those players have been reported?
I’ve left a lot of keys this season, but pretty much every time it was a mutual disband/“gg” when it’s obvious we couldn’t handle the key. People are getting way too worked up.
I myself have left 22 failed keys (edit: a ballpark number that i feel is as close to accurate as i can get, out of hundreds) as the first one. I guarantee theyre looking for the worst of tbe worst and in this case i trust them. I dont think anyone under 100 keys left should even be looked at, much less action taken against them. Things happen, its cool, life gets in the way, carry on.
I just hope those guys that leave because of one player death in their run get the shaft or the battle rez didnt go off fast enough. Or they died despite not using abilities to save themselves and blaming the healer… those guys need to go
I bet theyre looking at percent completion to grab those 35% completion rate, leave after first inconvenience crowd
All I can really say is, if you want to play the other person’s class the way you want them played, make one of those, otherwise maybe either teach them how (if they want) or just stay in your lane. If you didn’t train them yourself, they are inherently unlikely to do it ‘your way’. And Pacas, not aiming it at you, just using your examples as a ‘springboard’ to say something that should be said.
Oh yea, i understand. Those examples are my favorites from other people. In hindsight theyre the most petty funny reasons imaginable… it did anger me in the moment though, was rude…
As long as you equally feel as indignant about:
- People who die on every single trash pack
- wiping on a boss this late in the season to the most basic of mechanics (first boss in NW, first boss in City of Threads, first boss in Seige…)
- people “learning” in keystones that dont belong to them. Sorry but this is the biggest problem as far as i’m concerned. Stop dinging 80 and then heading straight into a 7…like give me a break.
- and my personal favorite—people who can’t stay alive during most of the dungeon and are the reason we didnt time but then THEY get loot while the rest of us who know the place dont. (that one REALLY chaps my hide)
None of these people are going to be banned for any example you just listed lol. The only people that are going to get banned, if barely any, are people who just intentionally just join a group and leave instantly after over and over again. If people were going to get banned for “leaving” keys there would quite literally be no keys ever listed ever again at 11 or higher.
Blizzard also just puts out blanket statements in general, the recent rogue bug being a great example because there wasn’t actually anybody that got banned for abusing the bug. The only thing that happened was a handful of keys got revoked and that was it. No bans, no suspensions, not even the people abusing it in raid got touched.
Oh i most certainly am. But i do +4 runs on alts in my free time to just casually teach new members and make a soft landing…
I also have dozens of explanatory macros set up to not have to type things and an action bar devoted to them and whatever dungeon im doing.
If i can get a parkinsons player consistently doing +7 keys then not many people out there can possibly have a good excuse for me. I teach, i reprimand, and on the rare occasion that someone has their head that far in their ‘butts’ they cant see theyre the issue and unwilling to learn or perform their basic duties… they get reported
doing the lord’s work my friend (and no i am not being sarcastic).
I’m glad you do that and there are times when I feel like smashing 2’s on this toon just for funsies and to turn my brain off.
Still, no one should EXPECT this and not all of us want to do this every day.
Had a healer in my group who just went afk as soon as we put the key in then starts dancing when we remove him. (1 hour before reset and needed one more vault too…)
Blizzard confirmed a couple of days ago that his account had been dealt with.
Just had another a healer do the same thing (Azralon lol…)
But hey, removing key depletion would lead to toxic behaviour though, am I right?
They should adopt the Heroes of the Storm system. If you leave your account gets flagged and you can only join groups with other leavers. You have to complete five dungeons to have your account unflagged.
The weak rebuttal to this is, of course, that some people have reasons they have to leave. Then there’s also people who just dispense with the illusion and say they shouldn’t have to play with bads if the key is bricked, which ignores that a. the key is either low enough you would have been near the end anyway and b. the key is high enough everybody mutually agrees it’s cooked and disbands because they only need it for rating.
leaving is fine but when there are 20 wipes no one should be penalized for leaving
Remove the timer and replace with a death counter and all those toxic behaviors simply disappear. poof!
I think the issue is that you listed everything YOU think others are doing wrong, and nothing you did wrong, that is the root of the issue. I get frustrated and it’s the same thing for me, but I certainly have had rounds that I was the one that messed up.
But as much as we don’t like them, they don’t deserve a ban, maybe a time out once in a while.
Why do you think a death counter will prevent people from playing badly? There will still be people leaving keys before completion once all the deaths are used up. There will still be people leaving keys before completion is they don’t think the key will be able to finish before the death counter is exhausted. There will be people who leave keys early because it’s moving slower than they want to go, as some groups will be very conservative to avoid deaths. There is nothing that happens with a timer that won’t also happen with a death counter.
The “toxic” behaviors aren’t from a timer. They’re from a disparity between the ability levels and expectations of different players. When one player sees a 10 as an opportunity for a vault slot, and just wants to complete it even though it’s well above their current level, and another player sees a 10 as a routine chore to be burned through quickly, there are going to be problems if they end up in the same group. This is why it is so important for the people making groups to, instead of prioritizing io score or ilvl, to prioritize finding 4 people with similar goals and abilities. It has exactly nothing to do with a timer.
Very good points you make and I agree. How does this happen? It would be players doing it themselves or Blizzard making it so we can find like-minded players more easily?
I’m suggesting that the removal of the timer would remove the issues the OP was talking about. I don’t disagree with you about key leavers though. However, I believe that with a death counter players with different goals and abilities will play together better, which would bring more players into the system and more enjoyment.
There will always be toxicity and people who quit at the first sight of trouble.
It also removes all DPS as the most important factor becomes surviving the dungeon. You’d suddenly see groups consist of 1 healer and 4 tanks instead.