Bans for mythic+

LOL I can totally see that. New meta, 4 Blood DKs and a Resto Sham.

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This is a great example of unintended consequences, and why player feedback is not often a great source for design input. People will very often come up with short sighted solutions that they think solves whatever problem they’re having in the moment, but if implemented would create newer, and much worse problems.

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Good point.

Blizzard would have to address that issue then.

Especially the flood of feedback from people who don’t even do the content.

The only way would be rather unhinged DPS checks, as you can wait for cooldowns and bloodlust for every pull. You’d have very unforgiving fights where a less than excellent performance means a wipe, and even if you’d be successful the dungeons would become several hours long as you’d have to wait for CD’s every pull.

One way very reliable way to address that issue would be to not even create the problem in the first place.

I don’t feel like anybody would be waiting for CD’s every pull. I’m fairly certain that they would be coordinated just like Bloodlust is.

Anyway, just my opinion. I feel a death counter is worth a shot. I don’t feel competitive gaming belongs in WoW due to the effect it has on the actual game and other parts of the game suffer colateral damage from the playstyle design centered around time.

As long as the company is wanting M+ as an esport I don’t think the timer will go anywhere.

At a certain point they will be. You would also have to tune and account for hard CC’s so people are killing 1 add at a time.

You’re eventually forced to as you approach your ceiling. Imagine where your current limit is, be it 12s or 15s. If there was no timer, you could most likely squeeze out another level or two by having cd’s at every pull that feels dangerous, along with being able to cc a bunch of mobs to reduce the amount of mobs you fight at the same time. You could also have all cd’s and bloodlust up for every boss too, which makes it easier.

For people who enjoy dungeon crawling this would be great as it creates a more hard-core playstyle where you’re not allowed to die. Dungeon crawling is a slow process though, so if you want as quick dungeons as you have today it’s probably not something you’d appreciate.

I don’t mind having it as an alternative, but unless we want an inflation in m+ rating from using death counter instead of the timer, we would have to severely buff death counter dungeons. Probably like making a death counter 10 equivalent to a timer 12-13 at least.

If we don’t want competitive gaming we’d have to remove m+ entirely.