Bans being issued for SS leavers

Yeah but people can leave for any number of reasons, it’s not a big deal.

He speaks the truth!

In terms of it being a meaningless video game? Sure. I’m not arguing that people should be perm banned or anything but js you can tell who leaves and there could be other deserter effects they could add.

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What does leaving actually do? Does it negatively impact anyone’s rating or just stops the game?

Ends the game, no gains or losses for anybody.

Leaver gets a -150 CR penalty.

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The leaver takes a 150 CR hit and gets a 30 min deserter debuff that gets longer the more games they leave but their mmr is untouched so they can come back the next round and go 6-0 and get like 300 points potentially depending on the mmr lol.

The other poor souls in the lobby will receive 0 cr and just have to go wait forever in que again.

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I don’t see much of a problem for that penalty, as someone who has played while also working or watching the kids sometimes people just need to get up.
They should perhaps add in some kind of stacking penalty to make sure abusers aren’t taking advantage

I can personally confirm 24 hour bans are being handed out for leaving.

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I know I deserved it :cry:


Did you get any infomation on the ban, did it say because you left the games, how can they ban you when taking deserter is a feature of the game, i have taken two deserters instead of being toxic in chat when im frustrated,

wow ok wonder how large this ban wave will be, you lose nothing really, still worth doing if its only a 1 day ban.

if you genuinely think it’ll stay a 1day ban for subsequent offences, you’re sorely mistaken

Kek, no one’s getting banned and certainly not for 10 days

Im pretty sure that im winning at the most shuffle games left. Still not banned?

I just can’t see them ever putting that as the actual reason lol

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It is literally an exploit to leave solo shuffle.

Reporting them likely puts them on blizzard’s radar, there is 0 chance any normal person would have 8+ “emergencies” a day causing them to leave every other solo shuffle, especially when they’re in more than one an hour, leaving only the ones they don’t go 4+ wins in.

The people who genuinely thought they were untouchable because “It’S NoT AgAinST ToS” are delusional.



The delusional ones are you salty people who think your reporting is doing anything other than clogging up the system with your complaining.

Don’t know how to break this to you but the leave button is there, it exists to use without stipulation or any reason other than you don’t want to be there anymore.

The shadow priest playing in a lobby as the sole caster with triple melee lobby doesn’t owe the apes anything when they run a train on them all game and don’t do crap to peel for them when they’re on their team.

Congratulations, you’ve played like a ape for 10-15 minutes, your reward is not a cr gain but instead nothing and back to the 40 minute que with you to think about what you’ve done :joy:

The leave button is there for a reason. Not so that you can maliciously grief other players.

There’s a big difference between that guy who’s house was on fire and had to quit mid-match and the guy who specifically leaves multiple games over the span of weeks because he’s decided that his pet peeve class shouldn’t get any rating.

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