Banning GDKP is pointless

Understanding that battling RMT is an uphill struggle is far from being complicit with it. None of us have a choice on a lot of levels. This little section of SoD WoW might be the only place we can take steps towards actually fixing one of the largest issues for the rest of the game. There is no other loot system that enables cheating as the path of least resistance. It’s a fine place to start.


But…that’s precisely what these whales want. They’re not going to go down without a fight.

There really is no choice. What are you gonna do? Go play a different mmo that doesn’t have rmt? :rofl:

If I were a betting man, I’d wager that the gateway for most players into RMT is Epic Mounts.

It’s such a massive QoL improvement, the cost is obnoxiously difficult for casual players, and as a one-off it’s easy to rationalise as a “just this time” infringement.

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It’s a good thing mount prices are reduced on SoD then, eh?

Are they? I was not aware of this.

It doesn’t have to be as blatant as letting players buy the best gear in the game by swiping a credit card. That’s just…lame. And look at the kind of players it attracts. The Classic playerbase is the worst I’ve ever seen. If banning GDKPs drives those toxic zoomer whales away…I’m fine with it.

Yeah if I wanted that I’d just play lost ark.

People love to meme on classic player base, but doesn’t that include all of us? I don’t think we’re so bad

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Lol, you keep bringing up zoomers as if there’d be a bunch of teens and young adults playing. They’re probably a lot closer to your age and older.

The level 40 mounts are about 35g less than on Era, which is almost half. We don’t know about epic yet.

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I mean…let’s just consider WoW then. Evidently Retail Mythics aren’t as toxic gatekept as Wrath dungeons. I’ve never heard of the kind of vote kicking that goes on either. In SoD…it’s a freaking level 25 raid that players treat like cutting edge e-sport raid in Retail where a 1% dps difference is game altering.

Someone a while back compared these kinds of players as essentially Retail dropouts who couldn’t cut it in that game and found a version of WoW where they can just buy gold, buy the best gear and be ‘an elite player’. I think that’s pretty accurate.

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That’s actually a nice little QoL change for most classes.

This idea that we’ll ban GDKP, because it’s a driver for RMT, instead of enforcing the ban on RMT, is nothing short of lunacy. There is no way a rational, logical person would make this argument.

Hey, we hate these smash-and-grab mob robberies! Shopping is now illegal!

It’s just flawed logic. Enforce the existing rules, and leave loot rules up to the participating players.


I don’t think there’s very much gatekeeping at all in SoD. I mean as long as you don’t grey parse you’re probably gonna get invited to the pug. And if you are a grey parser I kind of think it’s your own fault for not getting invited - it’s a group game so if you want to be in the group you have to put in a very minimal amount of effort otherwise I don’t blame people for not inviting you


this is what happens when blizz lets the playerbase get the equivalent of dutch disease. the adjustment will be painful and involve a lot of screaming and wailing, as were seeing.

blizz let gdkp run rampant for so long it took over the game and half the playerbase got very used to their risk free, effort free rmt income

now they are staring down the barrel of not being able to buy gear and having to buy gold for themselves and risking a ban just to be able to get consumes, and its not like these gdkp players are gonna go farm for 5 hours a week to get consumes legit :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I don’t even have logs. I’ve never been asked to provide any to do group content.

The issue is really overstated.

Yeah people just see all the “consumables mandatory” and lose their minds even though most people don’t even pop SPPs or anything, the only gatekeeping there is in pugs is trying to not stack classes so people have the best chance of getting loot

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if people are going to check your logs or gear, don’t expect them to waste time explaining why you didn’t make the cut

Lol, I agree.

I laugh at how many raids I join advertised as “Need WBs”. Then half the players get in BFD, don’t have any, and RL just says “w/e, let’s just go anyway”.


Blizzard could announce tomorrow that buying gold would be a perm ban for your account and it would shrivel up the gold supply within a few weeks. When people are too affraid of the consequences then the demand is gone. No more demand no more supply. Personally i think it’s all smoke and mirrors to introduce the wow token into SOD and then every iteration of classic moving forward.

This is yet another step that would stop RMT in it’s tracks and yet they don’t do it. In fact every single way they could actually prevent the problem they literally never do it. If you have even a shred of intellect it isn’t hard to see why.