Banning GDKP is pointless

people will create an addon and there are already a myriad of gdkp discords out there. No one will ever need to advertise in a global channel in game and no currency will need to change hands in a raid. This was a complete waste of time and resources by blizzard when they could have focused on the real problem. RMT/gold buying/gold selling.

If they want to fix the problem they can do it in two steps
1.) Region lock servers.
2.) Kick people off the server when they try to use VPN.

You could code/accomplish this in less than a week. maybe even less than a day.


I see we are still in the Bargaining stage of Grief.

Keep GDKP’s banned and ban the swipers.


Stop blaming other people for your cheating.


In terms of harming/stopping RMT? Yea, it serves a minor purpose… there are too many uses for RMT, banning just one serves as a bandaid.

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After all these years the whales found a version of WoW where they can literally swipe a card and buy the best gear in the game. They’re not going to give it up easily.


i honestly expected better from you of all people. I don’t run GDKP, our guild clears things with 3 diff groups every lockout and i like soft res over any other loot system, but to pretend a GDKP ban solves anything other than a few peoples outrage…is simply foolish.

you want actual results to clean up the servers once and for all?
use the steps i provided.

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Do we really need half the posts to be this? Kind of making the forums a little boring. At what point is this spam? Thought more people would be talking about runes and stuff.



I don’t expect better from cheaters.


Why make posts like this when the whole reason BLizzard is doing this is to experiment.

You’re like the person standing over a scientists’ shoulder saying “no, don’t do the test, we know the answer is gonna be [whatever my opinion is]” for an experiment that’s never been done before.

It sounds like these posts are just made out of fear and cope.


what an original reply, next

If the goal is to get rid of gold buying/selling/RMT there is no point int doing what we alreayd know doesn’t work. I laid out a perfect script for removing all RMT from the game and it would take literally days to accomplish. There is a reason they don’t do it…and instead pander away to keep the sheep from braying.

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Or just ban gdkpers and move on like they intend to do anyways


Then don’t ban what the other half of the community wants, is it too difficult for you to understand?

Yeah, because there aren’t any botters in Venezuela.

You’ll have to find another way to cheat.


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But…but he said he doesn’t do GDKPs! He just makes a hundred posts defending them. That’s all. Not because he does them. Certainly not. Cause he said he doesn’t!



He just wants to run bots from the US.

Wait… Maybe he’s Canadian.

Protect out borders!

VPNs naow!

remove GDKP for all i care…but it won’t change anything. You have to remove the bots and the gold farming. Anything less is just pretending to fix the problem.

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Removing a main reason players buy gold is a good step.

And you can go organize your GDKPs in Wrath…for now.


I don’t have the data, but Blizzard said when they announced P2 changes, they had data showing it contributed to bots and RMT.

I do not like bots or RMT.

I have no reason to not trust them since they would be losing money doing something like that without proper data to back it up. They must see the ratio is better financially because corporations are generally money-driven.

I would however be skeptical that “half the community” wants it. Depending on what subculture of the internet I view it would seem largely unpopular at times.


It isn’t a step to anything. Gold buying/botting/selling were around far longer than GDKP and did just fine. It literally won’t have any effect on RMT. None…not even a little.

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