Banning GDKP is pointless

Listen man, blizzard made the statement that those that choose to abuse and still do it will be punished and in a severe case where you house and promote gdkp you can look forward that those individuals will get a firm perma ban.

SoD is trying something new and Imo it’s for the best to see how it goes. If it helps slow down bots at the slightest it’s a win in my book and over all will promote more healthy atmospheres.

Guilds or pugs running content for fun or to equally gear on a level playing field > Credit card spammers for BIS and bragging rights? Or people who take advantage of those that use credit cards to make a few extra gold. Farm like the rest of us.

Ban and report the botters however realize that bots plague any decent mmo and it’s a never ending issue. Especially if people can make money off of it.

Listen man, blizzard made the statement that those that choose to abuse and still do it will be punished and in a severe case where you house and promote gdkp you can look forward that those individuals will get a firm perma ban.

nobody tell him all it takes is one person getting annoyed with getting outbid or getting mad about being left off the roster for a week and the raid will end up reported anyways :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

also all these schemes seem to either require:

A. everyone to buy some item to be used in lieu of currency, which is just as traceable as gold and has its own problems… idkp enjoyers will learn very quickly why we use money to do trade in the real world instead of the barter system.

B. there to be a central bank to hold all the gold the raid members are using to bid in disc, at which point you better hope that person never decides to rug pull/exit scam, GDKP groups will be like investing in the hot new NFT project.

Well you’re full of beans too, and I hate to say it but this stopped being fun awhile ago when you started lying every few posts. Why are you claiming I didnt provide data? I never offered. Your demands were directed at the devs. When did I imply I had access to anything like that? I didn’t. Make up something better.
It’s telling that you don’t understand why any real data on this subject is harmful to release to people like you. You deserve nothing more than you got in the announcement.


Then why are you talking at all about data? Whether it’s you or blizzard. If there is no data to provide, you shouldn’t be talking about it. I am 100% in my right to make any request, no one can or will ever stop me. If you can’t provide something to prove GDKP is bad, why are you saying it is… baseless claims only serve to make you look worse than you already do.

You can tell me whatever you want, until you provide some type of proof that GDKP is bad or that there is some sort of data to back it up… it’s all bluster.

You’re only making me look better with every idiotic post you make. As does blizzard every day they don’t provide this proof… but I’m used to you not making a single valid point.

Goodnight bud, you need some rest, your old bones and all.

You don’t look so good with the mask off, I’m not gonna lie. Arrogant, entitled. Just like the rest.
The proof will become evident over time. They don’t need to provide you with anything. For that matter, what kind of data do you imagine they could provide to convince you? If you’ve shown anything, anyone you disagree with is lying.

Your head-cannon is active. No, I just require evidence for claims… I know people like yourself aren’t able to provide any of that. I’m also quite cynical.

Entitled? Arrogant? Elaborate? I’m curious as to the logic behind these “names” you’re calling me.

But will that evidence support the removal of GDKP being a good or bad thing? Time will tell :wink:

Mask? Lol.

Something that actually shows GDKP and RMT are linked, currently it’s only assumed, which I’m sure it is in a way and what percentage of players are actually using RMT in these GDKPs. Then what percentage actually does GDKP hold in the RMT market.

I look forward to seeing which side is right or wrong.

Something that actually shows GDKP and RMT are linked

every single game that has officially allowed p2w the whales have taken over and rmt has become the defacto way to “win” the game. why would wow be any different because there is a thin veneer of it being against tos?

if you allow direct money to in game power purchases whales will do that, the dynamic has played out time and time again on other online games and even other versions of classic (see: era).

blizz is unwilling to actually handle the RMT problem, so they are doing the next best thing they are willing to do, which is removing the loot system by which that gold gets turned into gear (in game power).

So, you’re making this claim again? You going to show me that they’re linked with something… other than your words?

I’m not saying RMT isn’t used or isn’t a plague on the game, but when people make claims, I require evidence to truly believe it. I’m sure every single player can trace portions of their gold and items purchased to RMT sources.

You are anti-RMT? Why haven’t you called for banning the AH and all trading between players?

I’m not saying RMT isn’t used or isn’t a plague on the game, but when people make claims, I require evidence to truly believe it. I’m sure every single player can trace portions of their gold and items purchased to RMT sources.

of course this is true, nobody has any control over who buys items they put on the AH and before gdkps were even really a thing in classic gold buying for consumes was still rampant, probably even more so (but in far smaller amounts per player) because people had to buy their own gold for consumes/mats etc. instead of receiving an inflated payout for washing other peoples RMT through a gdkp.

nobody is saying that RMT will just not be a problem anymore, but burying your head in the sand and refusing to acknowledge the obvious (that gdkp is a huge driver of RMT) is just dumb, especially when the this exact system has already played out on era… and guess what? its an RMT/GDKP hellscape over there.

Boy this has some big “the Super Bowl is rigged for the Chiefs to win so Taylor Swift can endorse blue guy” energy…

The whole world is a conspiracy. You nailed it. You and a handful of chosen other disciples are the only enlightened ones.

he does somewhat have a point in that getting rid of vpn connections would eliminate a large number of bad actors, same as permabanning gold buyers would.

these are just things blizz has never historically and likely never will be willing to do, so screaming that GDKPS should be allowed until they do is stupid, they wont.

this is the best solution that blizz is willing to implement, it is imperfect and will not stop the RMT problem completely. It will however make a huge difference and will prevent GDKPS from degrading the game for non gdkp players, so im all for it.

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Yeah I’m not saying that wouldn’t help. I was just mocking him for the conspiracy talk at the end. I’m so tired of hearing a conspiracy for everything that happens now.

It wont slow them down in the slightest.

For me to support the ban on GDKP, I personally need to see evidence that shows RMT was consistently active in GDKPs, granted one persons opinion is tantamount to nothing when talking to blizzard and their opinions of the people who play their games.

I personally don’t believe it’ll even scratch the surface of RMT in WOW.

Only time will tell.

Even though you are arguing in bad faith, if they added a feature to the AH showing the total gold of the account selling the item, I would be in favor of buying the one from accounts with reasonable amounts of gold. Even if it means avoiding the undercuts and paying 30 copper more

when the character name match the thread title

They specifically said they have the ability to monitor it outside of raids as well. So while you may not be paying gold in the raid, eventually a payout needs to happen and they will detect it.

Go actually play the game instead of swiping.

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How in the world can they monitor people before a raid even happens? Your faith in blizzard is silly.