Banned without reasoning? Has this happened to anyone else?

Has anyone ever gotten an email with the following (I removed links because it wouldn’t let me post) :

Blockquote Action: Closing - World of Warcraft License
Your previous game license has been revoked for violating the World of Warcraft Code of Conduct and End User License Agreement. As the account holder, you are responsible for all activity associated with this game license. Such abuse is unacceptable and negatively impacts the gaming experience of other players, the integrity of the game world, and the quality of the service.

The closure extends to all characters on the aforementioned account and their properties. Blizzard is unable to transfer or offer compensation for any subscription time, purchases, or in-game value lost as a result of this closure.

This page contains details about how suspensions are applied and reviewed:


Support Department
Blizzard Entertainment


As it reads, I’m unaware of why I was banned? To add to this response because I think this might be part of it. A character griefed me by doing a ‘/e you have been reported AFK. Type /AFK off to cancel this report.’ Which I did, and it ended up making me leave an alterac valley battleground and got me flagged for 15 minutes before I could que up again. I retaliated with anger and spam reported them for griefing which I assume is maybe how the ban came to be… but shouldn’t it mentioned at least some sort of reason as to why the account closed ban happened? Also I feel like it’s pretty harsh to close an account on someone who got griefed because someone wanted to be a jerk just for the heck of it. Name: Yeahcool - Nightslayer realm. Seether#11268

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You can try and check your account settings just inase.

Otherwise, you can submit an appeal to check and see if Blizzard made an error on their end.

EDIT: Also, if you chose to disrupt someones gameplay, even go as far as On-Going Harassment, yes, that can lead to severe punishments. What you admitted is possible result of such action, though I do not have access to the logs to really say what is or isn’t going on. But shouldn’t really do anything that violates the policies when there people who are just trying to do the right thing.


Your name is kind of dodgy. You might want to change it.


I would but I no longer really use this account. I couldn’t post from my main since account is closed. But yes, I agree. I would if I still played on it.

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While you’re not guaranteed a response from one of our SFAs - you may want to leave some sort of identifier of the closed account. Often times they can dig and find them, but it would be much easier on them if you could provide a character-realm name or your Bnet ID. Perhaps they can offer some insight if the email you received didn’t make any mention of the general category of your ban. They usually fall within the big three: Hacks/Exploits/Cheats; RMT/Economy Abuse; and lastly social sanctions (chat/names/toxicity). But if neither of those were mentioned, that could be something they could enlighten you with.


That does appear to be the cause of this action as you appear to have gone off the deep end a bit. We don’t generally provide specifics outside a general reason why the account was penalized.

That said, unless I’m missing something here, it does seem to be more heavy handed than I would have assumed would happen. I would put in an appeal if you haven’t already so the matter can be reviewed.

Good luck.