Banned on 1 account can I play on others?

I got suspended recently permanently on my WoW 1 account but none of my other wow accounts like WoW 2 got the suspension. I have had a ticket in for over 2 weeks now to see if I am allowed to play on my WoW 2 or other accounts and I am only getting an automated response for my tickets. I got the same response spaced out exactly 7 days for all of them. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Licenses are typically independent of one another.

Yes, you can play on other licenses on the Battlenet.


Thank you, I have had a ticket in for over 2 weeks trying to get an answer before I start really putting time into the game and playing again. I will go ahead and mark my ticket as resolved.

You’ve put these all in under appeals.

That sort of question really isn’t an appeal. In that queue, they just do a very yes/no answer - was it upheld or not.


Where do I put this kind of question for future reference? When it asks me what’s wrong it instantly just brings me to the appeals section when trying to put in a ticket.

Here would be an excellent place for such a question.

Really no ticket needed, that’s what we do.