Banned mage ports in pvp

Are you intentionally completely ignoring the fact that the portals are being placed over quest givers, food, mage tables, and lock rocks? It’s not always easy to see what you’re exactly clicking in AV either with everyone piled up on top of everything.

Once again, no one should be against this change. It wouldn’t negatively impact anyone.

First thing Monday morning, and we still have people supporting trolling. I don’t have the patience for this crap.

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You get a mouse over dialog box to show what you are clicking. If the dialog box says portal then don’t click it. There is enough guard rails in this game to make sure you can’t make a mistakes, like the loss of PvP vendors and master loot.

We don’t need more guard rails for people who make a mistake

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you must be one of the people that do this, never fallen for it myself but i hate short handed bgs with a passion


PvP vendors don’t have squat to do with mage portals which have absolutely NO place in an instanced PvP setting. Mages DO NOT NEED access to portals in AV. End of story. I’m muting this thread because you people annoy me.


I am and it’s hilarious

i hope terrible things happen to you

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It does actually, blizzard has stated in their Q&As that they removed PvP vendors because they didn’t want a player to choose the wrong piece of gear and feel bad so they forced every one into a rigid PvP path. A form of guard rails so a player won’t make a “bad decision”

So disabling portals in instanced PvP is just another form of blizzard holding players hand holding from making a dumb choice

That’s childish but ok

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While I agree that it’s silly that mages can place portals in AV and wouldn’t care if it was removed, you do not NEED a food buff or lock rocks to win. I’ve played hundreds of AVs (my fav bg) in my time WoWing and I can’t think of a single time where an AV was won or lost based on a food buff or rocks. I’m pretty sure anyone that would click a mage port, or fall for “alt+f4” or “type /afk” would definitely help my team lose though.

another one of these threads :slight_smile: Just don’t fall for anything more, and avoid it completely if they’re putting healthstones, tables, etc by ports. not worth clicking by mistake

I know horde players do it to horde players too. It’s stupid and not exclusive to those playing mercenary mode.

People disagree with people and they’re annoying and need to be ignored?

This is why I am in opposition of ever having an ignore feature on this forum anymore, it would be one huge echo-chamber.

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Nope! But because Blizz allows only horde to merc mode and do this, it’s just another method of them abusing it to help secure a win for their ‘real’ faction.

Umm… Yes? I was in an AV on Horde as Horde with my brother and my daughter and she was accidentally ported out because some mage tool popped up a portal. It’s not exclusive to Alliance. Maybe you’re trying to be cute, and that’s ok, but srsly - it’s a problem in general.

Putting portals up in BGs should be blocked.

You can’t blink in the starting tunnel, why is portal allowed?

I know some people think it’s funny when 5-10 people leave the BG before it starts but all it does is guarantee a loss.

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You honestly think mage players calling them out is going to make any difference? If somebody wants to be a jerk, they are gonna be a jerk. Being called out on it just makes the tears that much juicier to the one being a jerk.

Still, the call to boot all mages because of the actions of a few is classic collective punishment.

Thing is, you’d have to actively type in those commands. We see it all too often with mage portals set over mage tables, soul wells, and feasts. Those feasts can give a small boost which can be a difference between delivering a kill in 10 hits, or 11. That one extra hit can make all the difference. Even if it’s a well fed buff that gives stamina, it can be the difference between dying in 10 hits or 11, even if it means the difference between a healer getting to you in time, or a split-second too late.

The smallest grain of rice can tip the scales in one’s favor. A lesson I learned in a movie and saw in effect countless times in games and IRL.

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Wasn’t there already a super long thread on this where you got lambasted for falling for this a dozen different times?

so what was the purpose of bringing out at alt with 0 posts just to revive that sinking ship?

Yes, I do.

Stop wasting everyone’s bandwidth and time please.

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Well, telling me to stop posting isn’t working out for you so… we can see telling somebody to stop isn’t very effective. Mages telling other mages to stop won’t work, and you votekicking innocents for something they didn’t do? I’m sure that’s votekick abuse. So good job.

You get 5 points in trolling for everyone who clicks on the portal and another bonus 10 points if its to dalaran crater. Also if you fall for this its no worse than someone “reporting” you for afking and telling you to /afk to clear the report. That is on you.