Banned for too much honor

i just want to know what i did wrong so i don’t do it again when i get unbanned. just want to get r14

Hey, I agree with that. If you ask you should receive a reason, imo.

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Were you safe spotting like on top the roofs in AB buildings or wall hopping into places that you are not really suppose to go in WSG? Because they have lately been dropping the ban hammer for that.


They do though.
The review only happens when you petition it with a ticket.

The auto kick/suspension is confirmed automatic.


I HATE ab, barely play it and when i do, i don’t go on rooves and spin flags. warsong i do tunnel and graveyard jumps but i believe that’s all allowed as i’ve seen them used on blizzard live stream events.

i’m also a hunter and barely hold the flag in my premade groups so i don’t really hide. i’m usually posted up on the alliance graveyard camping some unfortunate souls.

it’s just really odd me and my mate would get banned at the EXACT same instance, seemed very much automated. we also had 8 others in our premade who got no bans or suspensions and we play with the same group week after week.

No it isn’t, lol. If there was an automatic suspension, that would confirm multiboxers now have the power to ban botters wherever they see them.

There’s zero videos of this happening, because it can’t happen.


They do. The technical term by blizzard may not be “suspended” but you are removed from the game and cannot log back in until it is “reviewed”.

It happened to certain people on the AQ scepter quest (Alliance reporting horde). They were automatically suspended for a week until blizzard came in to manually review and remove the penalty.


They already made a post addressing that. They flat out stated that the abusive reports didn’t lead to the suspension.

It was a coincidence. Coincidences do happen in a game with millions of players.

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A coincidence that happens quite often can’t really be called a coincidence anymore.

Blizzard has always denied automation for things such as silence/bans but it is done automatically if enough reports are received.

The silence mechanic for example can be abused by around 25-30 people and it will automatically kick you off and mute your account until you petition a GM for false reports.


You have to make a reddit post and get a bunch of upvote to get unbanned from automated system/bad gms who don’t know anything about the game.


This is why this right-click, automated, mass-report, whatever-the-hell-it-is function is DUMB.

Straight garbage.

Silences aren’t automated either. There are two chat penalty systems in place.

There is an automated squelch that is applied to accounts when a number of reports is made within a particular time period. The squelch lasts until a GM reviews the reports and determines if the squelch should be upgraded into a silence or removed.

The squelch from right-click reports has been in the game since May of 2007. The silence penalty system replaced the suspensions or bans they would issue for chat violations and was implemented in the Legion pre-patch in July of 2016.


Yes yes I know in Layman’s terms you’re not “actually” banned or “actually” silenced. However the same exact penalty is applied to your account regardless and the only way to get unmuted or unbanned is to petition a GM.

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There is no automated suspension from right-click player reports. What purpose would such a system serve? Use common sense here and think about it.

A system that has never been shown to affect botters and can apparently only be used when massive numbers of players conspire to wrongly suspend another player, thus creating a situation where Blizzard’s reputation suffers and they need to make posts doing damage control.

Here’s a meme I made to illustrate the ridiculousness of the forum community:

You can continue to lick blizzard’s boots all you want it doesn’t change the fact that automatic suspensions happen regardless of what terminology you wish to use to describe it.

There is a reason Reddit posts are made to get people unbanned because normally GM’s even automate responses to petitioned tickets.


If you were repeatedly using spots that couldn’t be reached by other players, then… that’s the reason. And the fact that all your premade was banned, makes this possibility probable.


Speaking of automation my post was flagged within 1-2 milliseconds of posting. Apparently I hit a phrase that is banned on the wow forums.


No, you were flagged by multiple people for trolling. That’s what happened, manual reports that hid your post. Now we wait and see if it sticks after a GM reviews the post.

That’s how it works, pretty simple, yeah?


Not within 1-2 milliseconds with only 2 people viewing the topic lol.

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Well, it was my report that hid your post and I had a feeling you were going to resort to insults so I was ready for it.