Banned for telling people the Ashenvale event was bugged

Just read my damn ticket:

I was mass reported in game for telling people the ashenvale event was bugged. This is absolutely insane. Look at my chat logs. I have said absolutely nothing offensive. This is not fair at all.

I literally told people YOUR event was bugged when it showed 99%/99% and they were trying to put a group together. Know how I know this? Because I was 1/3 in the Ashenvale event and YOUR game phased me out of the event and I didn’t get my event done.

This is a direct result of a bug in your game, and a toxic player base right click reporting me for trying to help people. I need this fixed man. I already had to re-level on a new server because my old server, Lava Lash, died, and now I have to do the Warsong rep farm all over again, which is extremely time consuming. If I am banned for 10 days, I cannot get my rep farm done, not to mention gear my alt in raid.

I did nothing wrong. Unban me please.

In before I said something toxic or bought gold. This is absolutely unfair. I put a message in Ash, LFG, and Trade, one time each letting people know they were wasting their time trying to get an Ash group because it was bugged showing 99%. I’m literally so sick man.


AI replacing GMs, what could go wrong?


I’m guessing it’s not what you told them, rather it was how you told them.

Post this over on the customer service forum, I could use a giggle.


Setting aside what exactly you said in those chats, you just provided yourself a reason as to why you might have gotten a ban.

You spammed multiple chats, one that has nothing to do with what you were spamming.


Notsureifserious dot jpg

These reddit post always reveal that OP was aggressively rude towards other players to the point of being reported.


It’s 2024 and moderation of this game is known to be very poor, and seems to only be getting worse.

Unfortunately the ability to communicate with others in this social MMO is hindered because of it.

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Why you posting non-trade stuff in the trade chat? If you’re willing to break the rules there, I wonder what other (bannable) things you’ve done :thinking:

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Oh my God! Posting non trade things in trade chat?!?! This man should be put in prison for life!!!

Seriously, y’all defend Blizzard to the ends of the earth.


Post this in the CS forum. They might be able to tell you more than anyone on this forum can.

Dafuq have you been little gnome?

Have you considered:

a.) Reading the EULA, and the Forum CoC*
b.) Posting in the Customer Support forums

*specifically the section in the Forum CoC on Discussing Disciplinary Actions

I’m always here, I toon hop depending on my mood.

Something being poorly designed doesn’t mean it is bugged.

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Its on a timer now so prolly wasnt bugged out. You just were igorant to the fact so shouldnt be banned but some peeps thought you were being malicious and reported you prolly. They are very uncool humans :slight_smile:

This seems entirely unrelated to the rest of the post. Getting layered mid-battle has been an issue since day one, but isn’t related to the somewhat recent event timer change that often leaves the zone at 99/99 for extended periods of time.

best thing I can say to do, is if Ashenvale is bugged… submit a bug report and not say anything else… and go about your business… Openly spamming or making this type of report opening within the chat channels will get you banned.

This is the hotfix that broke it btw, so it’s been this way for awhile. More people discover it daily though as many of us were no longer doing the event as often. I only do it once a week to get 1g and drums.

I love their use of “about” in that post.

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The fool thinks himself to be wise, while a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

Keep your comments to yourself in game.