Banned for defending nodes

You did something you won’t admit here. What is the purpose of this post? You think Blizzard will overturn your ban cause you cry on the forum?


If you were actively fighting at nodes and you got banned, i would appeal it. If you get reported as AFK enough, you’re going to have a bad day.

First time banned close to 200 days played for TBC. Pvping almost everyday for daily.

I suspect this is not all of the story.


You think you are the first person to get banned rightfully and then cry here that it was unjust? We have seen this before.

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I am appealing it. Too many games we’re getting 4 capped and only thing left is stables, and i have res’d 4 times stopping caps.

Yep I knew it, the stables AFKer.

You have seen it before… because you are afk leveling AV and staring at wow forums. With nothing to add but “Look at me give me attention”

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Sitting on your mount at stables is not defending.

Yeah, argue all you want in this thread, Blizzard are the ones who know. They have chat logs, damage logs from your past BGs, all that stuff. As someone that puts in a ton of hours in PvP and always reports the “we lose go next” people, I’ve never been banned and Night Elf Hunter is basically made to defend nodes so I do it very often.


If you did nothing wrong, then yea appeal it. Then they will actually look at it all and decide if the ban was legit or not.

SPamming rank 1 concecrate isn’t mount sitting.

Same here. 250,000 kills in Classic. TONS of defending. No suspensions.

You can appeal if you want though.

I’m glad Blizzard started going after the actual AFKers at the end of (Vanilla) Classic and into TBCC.

Also, I remember during the TBCC prepatch hearing about how the “meta was to AFK for marks” and I warned those people about the suspensions and they ignored me and went on about “the meta”. There are probably still threads out there. Anyway seeing some of them banned at the TBCC release after they said I didn’t know what I was talking about was glorious.


It is close enough. You sit at stables so you can afk and do nothing. Everyone knows people do this. The quickest way to catch a ban is to stay at stables the entire game. People will 100% report you because they aren’t stupid.

You deserved it.

Never defend! Never win! Never banned! I hear ya

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LUL my 1st post in this thread nailed why you were banned. Weird how I knew… It’s almost like people do this a lot.

Your first post ignores the fact I am a prot paladin. Makes more sense to defend then push. Maybe I am wrong.

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No one believes you were defending you can stop pretending.

Same thing happened to me. Sitting in towers in av and got banned and they just said I didn’t have enough damage and healing.

I told them to stop molesting coworkers and they completely muted the account and I can’t even post on the forums or talk on it.

Fun times


Ok now that’s funny.