Banned, but no e-mail stating why or how long?

No one can really help here. A blue is generally not gonna let you know the details on why you was suspended.


Hopefully they can “re-send” me the email with details, or forum ban me too. /shrug

You submit a ticket for that, the forums are not a contact point with the GMs.

To be clear, the blues here cannot resend any account action e-mail to my knowledge. When your account is actioned, you are given a category under which you were actioned and nothing more. They will not give you any details.

When you appeal, it’s only to have another Blizz employee look at the data the lead to the action and either uphold or reverse it. That’s it. If in your appeals they didn’t provide you with the category, you could perhaps ask for that in your appeal.

But if you get into “I want details…” etc., they’re not going to give you that.


I should rephrase my question I am not asking for the details on how they carried their investigation, I just want/need to know what exactly I did. Literally all I felt that I did was far, herbs and post on the AH for hours. :\

Thanks for this advice, I’ll edit my ticket

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You are not gonna get that information. You’ll get a general vague explanation, but Blizzard never gives any details.


I NEED to know if farming herbs is against TOS, or if doing weekly past raid instances is against TOS. I managed to get a respectable amount of gold this way, on my OWN time. I don’t want to open another account, repeat the same process and have it be locked down again.

Other than those two, I did not use any exploit to farm.

No, given the fact a ton of people farm herbs for hours on end through the history of wow.

Again, no, given the fact the devs made it for folks to farm gold from theme. It’d be a moot point if folks got action for trying to get an item/pet/mount from there.


We all know that farming herbs isn’t against the rules. That’s a simple answer.

If it were, then you wouldn’t be able to do them.

Guaranteed you were not actioned for doing either of those things as long as no other rules were broken. If any of that was done (and this isn’t an accusation, just a statement) without anyone being at the keyboard, then that’s something that could land someone in trouble.


well that’s the only thing I did differently this past month. Every click, button mash, all on my own. Believe it or not, i feel I do deserve to know what category my account suspension falls under.

Absolutely. That’s why the e-mail they send (that you didn’t receive) contains that. If you do have a ticket open, then I would simply ask that very question. If you wish to further appeal, you can still do that, but asking the category of the suspension is something they should be able to provide.


I would understand a ban if I was using a bot, but I wasn’t. If I was going against ToS, I would just eat the loss, accept my part with my actions, accept the consequences, and start over. But no way I’m going to drop close to 100$ to have it banned again, and loosing my progress.

Since nobody seemed to directly address the flaw here: Blizzard isn’t just banning accounts. They’ve also blocked the bots in question from being used. Doesn’t matter if people hop on new accounts, their bot will no longer function. For a while anyways. But the nature of crime and security is such that there’s no such thing as a perfect fix. There’s simply doing as much as possible.


I also have a problem with saying the botting is only happening from China, like they have a monopoly on it. Considering one of the bot companies that Blizzard sued and won against was in Germany, not China.


Another was based in Arizona.