Banned again

Both the EULA and Code of Conduct have been part of the game since day one. But they have been cracking down with harsher penalties over the past years, as it’s been needed.

Vrak will have more information for you momentarily.


The rules have not changed, but it is easier to report people now. Right click report captures all the info the GMs need. Name, server, chat channel, time stamps, chat logs.

The rules since day one have not allowed profanity, masked profanity, slurs, hateful speech, etc. Modern tools make it easier to enforce, but the core of the rules is the same.

The forum code of conduct does a pretty good job of going to the details of the policy


Yea I dont think I have violated any of that, last time I asked for logs and I got an automated response. pretty sure im getting AI suspensions

The good news is that there’s no such thing :wink:

We’ll see what Vrak has to say as I see him typing.


Right? like even after my first silence I was like okay maybe i shouldnt even talk anymore. now i feel like i have to disable chat

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Folks, no need to speculate, just let Vrak post.


False. If reported the rules were enforced then too. To the point people cried on the forums and tried to act like the filter somehow allowed them to break the rules. Note the dates - and that the Blues point out the topic is already a dead horse.



It was flagged because you are not telling the truth. You are posting misinformation.

You also keep attacking other posters, which is not ok. They have the right to flag anything that they feel breaks the rules. Mods will decide if it does or not.


Did you play back then? The rules may have been the “same” but enforcement was entirely different. Either way we’re not here to debate that ,or derail the thread. Have a nice day.

Yes, I did play back then. Yes, enforcement was different and reporting was not as easy to do.

YOU brought up enforcement from 1993 to 2008. Hence my reply to you correcting the idea that it was not enforced back then. The OP also seems to have that misconception to it is relevant.


It depends on what you mean by “Defending myself”, as that too often means using inappropriate and/or toxic language towards a person who may have been doing the same thing.

The thing is, if you were reported for that language, even if they used if themselves, it is still against policy and may be subject to a penalty.

You absolutely are, but we recommend against calling others names. Looking over the more recent chat you were reported for it seems that there are several instances of you calling someone stupid in various ways.

We also have a couple of uses of acronyms that really aren’t appropriate.

No, socially speaking we’re not looking at all, unless the chat is reported to us. If a report is generated for review the chat that is reported is reviewed. If violations are found then a penalty is usually applied, if not, nothing happens.

Or, the other way to think about it is… since Dragonflight those that you have interacted with when you are being inappropriate or toxic decided they could use the right click report option to report it.

The “Social contract” is just made up of two parts. The first covers advice on how to create a better community by being nice to one another. The second part talks about our Code of Conduct which has remained virtually unchanged over the years.

It is also important to understand that if someone receives a penalty is based on the content of what is being reported, not the number of reports that are received.

The only thing that really changed is that we made it easier for players to report potentially problematic behavior and people are encouraged to use it because they have a little more faith that something will be done.

You still can, but maybe avoid name calling and belittling others?

I see you have an appeal in so hopefully the Game Master can provide some insight, since I can’t really quote the chat lines here.

I’ve said it before, but AI isn’t as widely used as everyone thinks. While we absolutely do use certain systems to make our jobs a bit easier, there is no AI overlord suspending people.


I started 04-05 I think, its been a long ride haha

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I played back then and yes, enforcement was absolutely happening. I used to watch GMs in real time ban people for Barrens chat and hostility in Elwynn.

What changed the most was the ease of reporting hostile behavior. But it absolutely still came with consequences.

Please stop harassing people and insulting them and take a step back from the things you type before you post them.

No, you were flagged for misinformation and attacking people.

This is not the place to be threatening people.

The OP was answered. I suggest we all move forward.


Tinker, if any of the moderation noticed a patern where people are following around with the flags and abusing it in such a way, then moderation will take on it. But as Vrak has mentioned to you, people have every right to flag a post, if they feel it does violate the Forum Code of Conduct or the Forum Guidelines.


The forums were never the “wild west”, we didn’t only penalize racial slurs, all inappropriate language was prohibited. The difference is, we have better tools that helps the Moderation team with reports.

Maybe stop bringing up the fact that you are being reported for your post. Some folks will continue to think your post are trolling. A report does not equal an action. If the Moderator, in this case… ME, doesn’t believe it is warranted to remove the post, it won’t be.

Sometimes the commentary that is removed doesn’t necessarily violate policy, which is why it hasn’t been penalized, but the content can carry a thread down a different road, which is what we may try to avoid.


even here it seems you are not allowed to speak :slight_smile:

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Your opinion on the posting styles of others is just that - your opinion. If you think a post violates the forum rules, flag it.

Otherwise, lecturing others over their posting style only provokes fights. It is confrontational, rude, and outright not helpful. Derailing threads to comment on how you think people post, is not constructive.

Flag posts that break the rules. Let Vrak sort it out.

You are also 100% wrong about there being some sort of coordinated brigade flagging things. Seriously. Not happening.


See, this is what people are talking about. You could have left it alone with Vrak’s praise. But you still felt the need to reach out and get that dig in. It’s not constructive and will likely get that post flagged as well. Most people on this forum flag because a post is in violation - not as some sort of post flagging brigade. If you’re here to help, you’re welcomed as well as anyone else who comes here in good faith to help people. But continuing to dig in at people, you’re only putting yourself and your posting at risk. Toeing the line may be amusing or whatever it is you’re working with here, but it will eventually catch up to you. Other people who have come here over time and tried this ploy have almost always eventually earned themselves a forum vacation.

OP, my apologies for deviating from your post. Good luck to you with your appeals, and in the game going forward.


Your imagination is stronger than reality. People flag you, but it is not some coordinated anti Tinker campaign you think it is.

Not your job to tell people how to post. If a post breaks the rules, then report it. Otherwise, you are not the parent, moderator, or anything else. People don’t like it when someone shows up and tries to tell them what to do and how to do it - esp when that person does not know the rules very well.

Telling people something they don’t want to hear is not mean - it is factual.


Since I’ve answered Apathy with what I could there is really nothing more to discuss on the subject so I’m going to close it.

The thing is, Tinkertrain, that isn’t a violation of the Code of Conduct. Do I hope that folks will be kinder to one another? Absolutely, but they aren’t required to be all love and sunshine, they mostly just have to abide by our forum policies.

Are there comments that might be toeing the line a bit? Or might not necessary violate policy but might contribute negatively to it? Yes, and in I might delete those posts in those cases if I see them.

I mostly try to avoid suspending folks in this forum if I can. It’s intended to be a place where we can all talk to each other and maybe help folks get some insight and direction on an issue they are experiencing. There are all kinds of personalities though, and each one of them have their own perspective and way of communicating, and that has value too.