Banish Should Work On Demon Hunters

Tehd Shoemaker is a traitor and a meany-pants for consorting with Demon Hunters, but if we pause our moral objections for a second and listen to him, we can gain valuable information about the enemy.

I make these Demon Hunters nervous. Little old me. Tehd from Lordaeron. Hee hee.

Always remember, in a land of fel infused ancient elves, the peasant with a good banish spell is king.

So lorewise there’s no reason why we can’t banish a Demon Hunter. Tehd can do it. Why can’t a real Warlock?

It’s just a matter of Blizzard favoritism.

Blizz, please be fair and follow the lore. Let me banish some Demon Hunters :smiley:


It’s just a matter of gameplay/lore segregation. Forsaken player characters are also marked as humanoid.


Says the Demon >.>


I wholeheartedly agree. At least let banish/enslave work when they pop meta.

I’m also a fan of having Forsaken classified as undead.


Demon Hunters are not fully demons and are still classified as Humanoids.

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In what way are we not “humanoid”?

I’m skeptical as to whether some of y’all understand what that word actually means.

Now, now we all know that Demon Hunter is Tehd’s pet. No need to label animal lovers as traitors.

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In the game, World of Warcraft, different creatures are marked to let you know what kind of type it is. For example, your ordinary human mob is marked as humanoid. A bear is marked as beast. But there is also this creature type called undead and creatures marked with it are able to be affected by spells and abilities that trigger from an enemy having an undead tag. For example, shackle undead. Hope that helps you understand what is being talked about.

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They used to be.

That auto crit exorcism and shackle undead spam kinda killed it though. :frowning:

And hibernate and tame beast should be able to be used on Pandaren, Worgen, Tauren and Vulpera. (And probably Dwarves too, have you seen how hairy they are??)

In the lore of the game, World of Warcraft, it had long been established that characteristics of mobs flagged as “undead” generally do not apply to “Forsaken”. The tooltip for PCs has long since been misleading, and a point of contention on these here very forums. They are, nonetheless, humanoid by the actual definition of the word.

Hope that helps.

Would be cool if we could while they’re in metamorphosis demon form. Outside of that, nah.

ur request is denied but we thank you for your submission. have a great day!

That’s not the argument he’s making. He’s making the argument that when discussing classification, you are undead. Shackle Undead and Turn Undead, as spells, should work on you if we go with the OP’s request.

Like, I get it. You’re also humanoid. But canonically, you died. You was brought back. You was not brought back to life. You was brought back to unlife. By all accounts, you are undead.

As a druid I support this for both Demon Hunters and Forsaken players.

Yes but only works while we are in meta demon form.

Similar to how druids can be hibernated but only while in animal form.

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Death Coil used to heal Undead players. When DK’s used Lichborne, Priest were able to Shackle them. So it won’t happen.

I don’t know how much clearer I could make it for you. I am struggling to dumb it down any further. I am again, talking about a creature classification in game. Not a general use of the word humanoid. Obviously forsaken are humanoids by the general definition. Nobody disputed that. I don’t know how someone can miss the point this much.

If so, it should also work on red skinned draenei and shackle undead should work on Forsaken, Dark Rangers and Death Knights.

I was there, it was not good.