Bots are in full farm mode for tbc prep. When is blizzard going to address this problem?
They will not. Enjoy.
Blizzard has been addressing this problem for years.
What you really want is “eliminate the cheaters”. That is impossible. That cannot be done. Cheaters have existed in every game on earth for all of recorded history.
Does having police eliminate crime? No. Don’t expect the impossible.
When they stop making money off the botting operations.
I’ve no data to support it, but I believe far more of them are “legitimate” paying customers, no matter what Blizz claims.
It can be done. Bliz just isn’t willing to invest in the manpower to do it.
There was another bot ban wave recently. That’s why major mana pots increased in price from like 1g each to 6g each on my server. The same thing happened with Arcane Crystals going from 6g back to 25g.
Blizzard bans in waves though (which they have said right on a thread in the forum) and they have their reasoning to do it. I think they should be better about quick bans but that’s my opinion on it.
I think a start would be doing something with the Argentina accounts playing in NA. As it is anyone who knows how to work the system can make a $3/month account which I’m sure every botter is doing. Yes they could be using fraudulent credit cards or something too but I know for a fact that people doing stuff like botting get these $3/month accounts.
Sadly I’ve ran into one horde bot so far and one alliance bot. We tried to break both of them, but sadly they’ve seemed to made the bots smarter than before.
Blizzard doesn’t ban as many bots as they don’t have to. Those bot accounts are more money for blizzard each month.
I’ve gotten to rank 2 on my lvl 39 toon just from killing hunter bots in desolace and ashenvale. I’ve killed one of the bots like 25 times already, and I’ve been constantly reporting the same bot too.
The bot has literally been online and grinding for like 4 days straight now nonstop, and theres no sign of blizzard ever taking action to ban it.
For alliance, its usually a night elf hunter with a green unnamed spider pet that are the bots. For horde, its usually an orc hunter with an unnamed boar pet.
If your playing a hunter, you can run up next to these bots and they will begin to attack your pet, because the bot program they use doesn’t register hunter pets as players or player controlled pets, it registers hunter pets as just another beast mob out in the world.
Thats how you can usually tell they’re bots.
I’m wondering if Blizzard is using or has considered using some basic machine learning to automatically flag and optionally ban bots. They have supervised data in the form of logs married with user Report User->Cheating botting reports.
Their ban wave last June hit 74,000 accounts. I’m going to say “yes”.
Of course they have the technology. The bots literally follow preprogrammed pathing. They just don’t want to ban bots.
the druid bots will black out the sun
I wonder what limits them from doing daily bans if they have the models. Kind of like graffiti, if you manage it on a daily basis, eventually people give up.
This is so outdated it’s hard to believe at this point. People’s accounts are not being broken into anymore cheaters are just using Argentina subs for 3$ a month and botting gold.
Yup, because the bots are built on the back of retail legitimate accounts created by selling WoW tokens and then the money is used in two ways, one component pays the subscription and the remainder is battlenet balance to be used to buy more accounts.
These accounts are then used to farm gold in classic. The botters literally don’t need to pay for a thing anymore, they just let the retail players who buy their gold legally pay the bills and blizzard gets fat and rich on the gold token sales to retail players.
Botters aren’t stupid either, they don’t run all their accounts on Classic, only enough to make max profits, and when the bans come, they cycle in a new batch.
The only way to kill this thing is to prevent battlnet balance from buying accounts, and purchase other than vanity pets and dumb blizzard RMT junk on their store.
The info constantly posted about the botters use of stolen accounts is old info, it’s no longer needed. They don’t even need Argentina VPN accounts any more, but eliminating that loophole by requiring blizzard accounts locks to the region paid is a good solution to that issue.
Trouble is, blizzard doesn’t want to fix it.