Ban spy addon users

If Blizz bans spy they will break it by removing the stealth lines in the combat log.

can it reasonably be broken? nope

that’s not the only thing people complain about

I have had people follow me for ridiculous distances, and many times move to very hard to get to places I’m standing stealthed… So many situations that really make me think “how in the Hell did you know I’m here?”


I especially enjoy seeing salty rogues mad about this addon. Its pretty funny seeing them cry because someone was able to prepare for a fight and clearly beat them sending them to the forums to cry about it.


Me too. I was level 32 druid, farming spider silk in a cave. Went stealth afk for some RL reasons. I watched as a level 22 mage walks right up to me and starts talking to me. I was off the beaten path and far away from mobs as well. No Idea how she found me. This actually happened a couple times.

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i love spy, sometimes it pops up saying there’s a stealth around me… i automatically spin my char 360 degree just to look for 1.

I was making rogue and deleted it to make a priest when I got spy . I suggest you also delete your garbage class as well .

Spy is just too good . I use it and it’s just soooo helpful.

You’d love to play without frost nova and polymorph I bet.

  1. I don’t play a warlock in Classic.
  2. Hardly, it’s not like it actually makes you visible.
  3. Complain all you want, this will literally never be broken. Half of Blizzards own raid and dungeon functions use the combat log, they’d have to rebuild the code from the ground up.
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lol, not it isnt. Your Stealth still works. You’re still invisible. This is L2P issue on your part.


They wouldn’t know even with the add-on, because it only tells you that someone stealthed nearby. It doesn’t say where.

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There’s been 10x more downloads of AtlasLootClassic compared to Spy Classic. All this whining about an addon that hardly anyone even uses.

It notifies them of my presence and in some cases my location. Then they use perception. I’m out of stealth and at a massive disadvantage.

To make things worse, vanish is bugged to all Hell.

It’s completely ridiculous. How can anyone defend something so obviously broken?

It’s literally a rogue radar. How you’re able to rationalize this as fair in your mental gymnasium of a brain is beyond me.


Okay, you can keep fear, it just has a 50% chance to do nothing if I have the right add-on installed.

That’s absurd and you know it.

The way I look at it is that people are trying to get Blizzard to notice, and make a blue post on the subject. The outcry is for a response from blizzard. What I see is a whole bunch of people crying about people asking blizzard for a response. The defenders are crying.

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Ahh, the druid who needs a crutch and thinks knowing a stealthed rogue is nearby isn’t an advantage loves to tell other players they’re bad. LOL

Wait, wait… blaming the addon for your death is a “crutch” but using it in the first place is not? I’m sure you have no idea of the irony here.

We’ve been over this, bud. Remove stealth from the combat log and voila, no other addons are broken. It should never have been there. It’s stealth.

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Installing now.

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Sure it can, just limit the kind of information that’s presented to the combat log.

Will that potentially break other addons? Maybe but the PVE in this 1.12 world is so easy that there really is not need for any kind of PVE addons any way. Simply not being a terrible player will be enough for 99% of the population to progress easily in this 1.12 world.

As for PVP, if you need addons for PVP in classic well this again is a case of “You’re bad”.

Sure addons are nice, an example of an addon that’s not so bad are the addons that provide duration on debuffs and effects or cast bars. These are things you can already track visually with the default UI, but they can be improved on by simply putting them in a better location; this is handy but not actually needed.

Additionally Blizzard has effectively “Broken” addons like these because they do not give you truly accurate data but only the maximum possible duration of say for example freezing trap. The DR is unknown because blizzard specifically broke addons that in actual vanilla could give you the DR reduced duration and when these would break from time.

Now in “classic” these kinds of things are only timers and not accurately tracked like in actual vanilla…

I am FINE with that, because IMO again if you need last moment DR info you’re fishing for advantages you don’t honestly deserve to use. Its’ 100% a case of “get good” and observe your surroundings.

In reality that’s what these addons are designed to do, eliminate the need for the player to observe the surroundings and do that work for the player.

Breaking lazy mode stuff like this is just fine because in reality it is automation of the game play no matter how someone likes to justify it.

I my self will continue to however utilize these kinds of addons because they’re now required if you want to PVP. Failing to use them puts you at a massive disadvantage.

As for PVE, meh… It’s 1.12, and as a result no addons are actually needed if you know the fights and are not deliberately trying to screw up.