Ban Review Process Inquiry

Just so you’re aware, any software used to streamline with multiboxing is against the IGCoC. But alone, as Orlyia has mentioned:


It used to be that you could use key-passthrough software to send commands to an inactive window, as long as one keypress equalled one action, and macros could be programmed to trigger from your mouse or keyboard to send to an inactive window. You could also set up a wireless keyboard and/or mouse to send the same command to multiple PCs.

More recent updates have made it so that:

  • No software at all can be used that will “streamline” multiboxing. This includes not just third party software, but also native Windows abilities to send commands to an inactive window on hover-over, like setting up macros to be activated on mouse scroll and scrolling the wheel over an inactive window. Note that although there are people out there selling access to software that they swear up and down is undetectable and works within the new parameters, there’s no such thing.
  • No hardware at all can be used that will “streamline” multiboxing. This includes hardware switches, programmable keyboards, programmable mice, and wireless peripherals.

The only allowed method of multiboxing today is clicking or tabbing to one window, entering your commands, and then clicking or tabbing to the next window to enter your commands, and so on. Unfortunately botters started using common multiboxing tools to maximize their botting, so legitimate multiboxers lost those tools.


Anyway of steamlining is not allowed. Windows 11 for example will let you setup that you can activate commands on a wow client just by hovering your mouse over it and using your scroll wheel on the mouse. Doing this is not using any extra software but will get you banned in a heart beat.

Only way your allowed to run more then one account is start on account 1, activate your commands, switch to account 2 and do the same thing, then switch to account 3 and do the same, Rinse and repeat. So they should never see all your characters starting dps all with in less then a second of each other as there is no way to switch clients that quickly.


This stands out to me. So if you have a keybinding mouse that has multiple buttons, it’s keyed to different abilities on both windows. But you click or tab the other wow window, will this be deemed as offense or non offense?

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Hello Lightfarming

No one here can answer that question. If you are unsure, don’t do it moving forward. Play the game as intended by the devs.


To clarify, this was a discussion question I did claim this is what I do, I was purposing the question to Jalanili response. As I mentioned, above I have not used any streamlining software or practices. But I agree with you, if you are unsure don’t do it. Thanks.

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I hear you. We get these exact questions kinda often coming through this forum. Sometimes it takes some digging to find out the poster is multiboxing and caught a ban or three. They are usually looking for answers as to why and how and all that. And the answer is always the same. No one here can tell ya what is allowed. Blizz has posted the guidelines and does not go deeper to avoid the rules lawyering and all that…and to counter a rather large cheating industry.

That is all I am saying.

Edit: I should edit this to note, that is very easy to stay with in those guildelines, as in follow the game rules, etc. Multiboxing gets tricky though, it just does. Also, good luck with your appeal.


Thanks for the additional details and that truly makes sense. I appreciate the positive energy, hope my appeal goes well.


What you described should be fine. You are manually clicking into each window. Your button press is only doing one ability in only that window. One button = one action on one game client.

If your button press was doing commands on both windows at once they would be streamlining. If your button press was doing commands by simply hovering over a client window and not making it the active client, that would be streamlining. Streamlining is what gets you into trouble.

Hope that helps.


You explained that better than I did, that makes sense. Thanks


Omg I am so glad I saw this post. I use AHK for work lol!

I know they won’t/shouldn’t provide details, but this kind of thing now has me scared. I wish they would release a list of things that could potentially lead to a ban for this so I even know what to look out for, I’m glad you mentioned AHK. Something like:

Don’t use:
Razer synapse (I saw another thread here that mentioned this could be used to make macros)

I would hate to get banned for this on accident, only to make another account and get banned again. Scary!

Can you help me understand this one? I haven’t upgraded to Win11 yet.

Do they not count the scroll wheel as a button press or something? That doesn’t seemt hat far off from having an MMO mouse or something. But I could be misunderstanding

Thing is it steamlines since you do not have to click on the client to activate the commands tied to the scroll wheel. That is the part that is not so good!

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If you use it to set map keys for your mouse your fine. Just do not use it for programed macros for your mouse. Many people use those to make sure buttons on their mouse when pressed will trigger a set keyboard key for a keybind.

So you set a side button when pressed lets say it activates shift control H and you bind that to a ability. Nothing wrong with that!


Any news on what happened to OP? Hopefully it went well for them.

Read the thread, Eschero. This isn’t something we’d discuss with a 3rd party.