Ban Logs and Parsing

Your argument in favor of GDKPs is participation trophies? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s the advice tho. You don’t like what’s on offer in Classic and its seasons and feel the need to operate within damaging behaviors to compensate at the cost of everyone who enjoys the game as intended.

That’s banned now, so get down or lay down.

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It’s a great gold farm for good players.

But how does GDKP affect you?

It’s a great way to benefit from bought gold without purchasing it outright, yeah

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So is the auction house, no?

I’m not having that conversation. You know the answer already, and I’ve already won.

No. It’s not like the AH. You lose.

How can I not make gold from gold buyers on the AH? If I go farm stuff they don’t want to, won’t they buy it from me?

So what part was I wrong about? Ulduar was released January of 09?

The part you willingly omitted which said private logs have been availible since 2007. You clearly weren’t in a good guild in TBC if you weren’t comparing logs between guilds and other servers.

At least try to be honest in your replies as willingly omitting the part that was the defeating factor is not only childish, but pretty much admits you’re wrong.

So we didn’t have public logs until Ulduar?

Take it up with Blizz!

Also note that they said they banned GDKP because of the cultural impact, and that it has no place in what they’re trying to deliver with SoD. You can take your RMT scapegoat out the door with you.

I am with you 100% on this

If we banned mods it would help kill the bots too since thats supposedly how they fly and can farm instances so easily

Sadly I know you are being sarcastic over GDKPs but I think all of these changes would be great for the game

Thanks for bringing it up!

That didn’t answer the question at all.

Yes Warcraft logs should certainly be banned. It’s just a dad-measuring tool to gatekeep other dads. Nothing more annoying than the dad who doesn’t listen because ‘muh parse’. Only the biggest mouth-breathing dads defend their parse technology. It needs to go because of the toxic environment it creates.

By listing a peacebloom for 1,000g and swiping your credit card, of course!

I don’t need to answer your questions anymore! The game has been changed.

Is every auction I post being bought with legit gold?

You never answered it.

Bullakae and Heavywood are 2 bots made by gold farmers to make threads and posts about being upset that GDKP is banned. I’m just gonna grab more popcorn and keep reading what silly arguments they come up with to support GDKP.

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