They should at least nerf them, stat wise. They had stats equal to like blues which made half the items in the game useless until xmog came out, and they should only have stats on par with greens imo. I never did like how strong they were even though I used them, I needed them for the exp boost, not being able to one shot mobs.
This is ENTIRELY incorrect. Why? Jut one thing… the level 70 boost
I wouldn’t say that I mean they’re exactly what you think therefore leveling alts And you do have to grind for them but it doesn’t mean that they’re worthless.
No then no one would get them I say air looms are completely fine the way they are They should be better than anything else you should get you at the level 80 to grind for them.
And quite frankly I always liked the fact that they were that I liked the fact that they were super powerful and made leveling so much faster because of it.
It’s funny that you’re being sarcastic, but heirlooms really did kill leveling alts for me. You’d be silly to not take advantage of the XP boost. But then leveling became so boring because you couldn’t enjoy the feeling of obtaining loot, literally the main carrot on the stick of this game.
I’d be happier if they just gave a xp boost buff, or shirt or just trinkets or something. But maintained the gear and weapon progression throught leveling.
Heirlooms actually made me want to level alts, to each their own.
This is what I’m getting at. The exp boost is fine and dandy but they were so much better at any level than most of the loot that drops from dungeon bosses or quest rewards. It just kinda killed a whole load of game content when they were given the equivelent of blue stats. Make them as strong as greens or something.
That’s why they’ve nerfed them in retail, but to no avail as leveling is so quick and gear so generic it isn’t worth changing out for mildly better stats for a level or 2.
At least if they are nerfed stat wise slightly, it won’t make half the slots at any given level HAVE to have boa gear if going for BIS gear setups, like in twinking. Yeah, it made it easier but that kinda sucked the fun out of twinking too cuz suddenly that neat quest chain reward you had to do for a weapon is worthless cuz the boa axe is better or whatever. Some truly unique items were no longer so good after the generic boa gear was released.
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