Ban GDKPS in era

If someone buys gold on Era to win items in GDKP, it prevents players who do not buy gold from earning gear.

If someone buys gold in SoD to get their 12th alt some garbage blues from the auction house, it doesn’t matter. You are not locked out of raiding because of it.

This is not a controversial thing. It is exclusively a classic era problem (and a relatively recent problem - GDKP did not exist on era for years)


What? GDKP has been around since long before classic, I’ve seen references going as far back as original wrath, and peaked in popularity leading up to classic. GDKP’s were already running on classic by the time BWL came out. Certainly in full swing by the time ZG was out.

Edit: after a 5 second google search there are people talking about GDKP as far back as actual vanilla so…


Will it though? It wasn’t a thing until quite recently; Like 2019. Even though GDKP wasn’t really a thing until the streamers came back from being bored with TBC.

I am not talking 2019 GDKP’s (my server barely had any, it was not comparable to Era today)

I said Era. Classic Era launched 2021.

You can shook up this character. I have raid logs from 2021 on Whitemane. There was no GDKP.

This assumes that the GDKP raids would exist with a different loot system. That’s possible, but we don’t really know that’s the case, and it’s effectively not different from saying that someone regularly attending any form of DKP raid prevents someone who doesn’t regularly attend it from getting gear, because they don’t have DKP to contribute.

It also ignores that players can earn gold from a variety of sources, such as attending GDKPs, farming, using the AH, etc. and not only from buying it (not all gold comes from being bought, but all gold does come from within the game).

What isn’t?

I’ve asked clear, clarifying questions, and you’re pointing to something else and then saying, “See, that’s the answer.” Nope, you’re ignoring what I’m asking you.

I’m just asking clarifying questions to understand what precisely you’re saying. Parroting “GDKP bad because RMT bad.” doesn’t require another thread or any further discussion, imo.


The problem is the raids don’t exist with other loot systems, as we can see on SoD by the very low amount of pug raids happening. Even worse, the runs that do exist are very low quality, if the raid wipes everyone bails pretty much immediately. If the item someone wants doesn’t drop they just leave rather than finish. It’s awful.

I refuse to pug on SoD so now I just don’t do MC anymore. I’m not doing any world bosses unless my guild puts a group together. When they stop running ZG I’ll stop going too even though I still need items. Between phases being this short and the terrible quality of pugs, I have even less desire to finish leveling my alt to try and gear it.


We absolutely know that’s the case. Classic Era went years without any GDKP raids. SoD also exists with many more raids than Era.


This made me laugh.

all gold buyers and sellers should be perma banned. They can start over and not cheat.

Then you would remember that the economy was totally WILD until they closed clones.

No, we absolutely do not. And look, I’m not saying they wouldn’t. I’m saying we don’t know. It’s not as if you can say, this raid would accept this guy who now is not able to join a raid, because of GDKP (as in, nobody gets to raid).

With these same raid groups?

Also, Classic had GDKP way before it was called Era.


Kromcrush barely had any. We had SR pugs even in AQ and Naxx.

If GDKP were a small thing, it wouldn’t stop normal people from playing the game. It’s become pervasive, which makes it a problem.


OK. I didn’t play on Kromcrush. I only played on Kurinnaxx, Fairbanks, Faerlina, Whitemane, Stalagg, Skeram, Herod, and a little on a couple others, but not raiding at max level.

If you want a different loot system, put in some effort and build a community, imo.


You realize that you choose who comes to your raids right?

If you host GDKPs and bring a bunch of cheating gold buyers that want to drop $500 worth of gold every time a rare item drops - that’s on YOUR raid group.

Tons of GDKPs are just the raiders moving gold around between themselves, and you simply think they are gold buyers because you peek in every so often and fail to realize how fast one will accumulate gold if they raid on bis toons.

PS: on bigglesworth pre-tbc nearly all non-naxx raids were GDKPs.


That’s funny, because the people who do GDKP put in no effort. They swipe and win.

You are literally supporting the retail mentality in classic. Which is completely backwards.


That’s some insane projection considering GDKP logs on average showcase significantly higher effort than the average…




But I’m not posting on the forums asking for someone else to make groups for me, while I don’t make any groups myself, pretending as if I cared about something other than having someone do the work for me.


I think what axewipe is trying to get at is that with GDKPs he cannot feel superior to other players by buying gold because it is too many thousands of dollars to become full bis.

Whereas with under $100 in SoD he can be an elite gamer.

That is a feature of GDKP → it makes it so gold buyers have to spend so much to do what decent players can do for free.

No kidding, but if they constantly get their bought gold and characters that they paid RL cash to boost constantly banned; this is to the benefit of everyone.

The only real problem we have in WoW even retail is that Blizzard stopped its hard core stance on buying gold in Wrath of the Litch king (OG) and after that the botters and gold buyers sprung up.

The people who think GDKP is the issue are blind, this kinda crap has been going on with the gold buying and RMT forever… Even before GDKP was popular, there were those in the Arena community that Many of us truly hated that sold glad carries for RL cash, but soon as they came out with Battlnet balance and Gold token, now they just hide it behind that in retail.

I use to do carries also on my mage in Cata / MoP and part of WoD until the cheating became too disgusting in WoD, not sure why the cheating got so bad in wod but it really did get to a truly disgusting level… I sold carries to 2K for cosmetics weapons unlocks and enchants the MoP enchants (special recolor weapon enchants) But I was not charging the rates that many did, mostly I was just making it worth my time and helping the BG community be better geared; those players I thought really do love PVP and deserved better gear in Cata / cosmetics in MoP + WoD.

Either way, cheating has always been a thing, but enforcement in Vanilla and TBC was really good, and yes cheating did happen back then but it was harshly punished by Blizzard with a full account ban that can never be revived; and I do feel that hard core stance on cheating is why cheating was so minimal in the early days of wow and became cancerous in later incarnations.

“My guild sucks” = “ban gdkp”


It has to be banned. And Blizzard has to know that the vocal minority that’s pushing for it has a financial incentive to do so. That’s why they have multiple accounts to make it seem like there’s more people who want it than actually do.

It just creates a pay to win dystopia, and further destroys the social value of the game. Pugs no longer get made based on fun and needs of the group, but instead how much gold you have. It creates an even more saturated culture of gold buying. 100 times more than somebody just buying their mount.

It has to be eliminated.


They have tens of thousands of accounts and are faking hundreds of daily GDKP raids?

What’s their endgame?

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