Ban gdkps in cata

There’s also very few billionaires IRL, yet their existence causes massive economic issues that I’d assume most, if not all, of the people here feel even if they don’t know it.

Also, “best” here is extremely subjective since it caters to the people with either tons of time or tons of money and tells everyone else to screw off.

Amusingly, I have; back in Classic, I was in a ZG GDKP for about two bosses. My laptop at the time was on its last legs, though, and after it bluescreened (like it did during any dungeon/raid before I replaced it) I’d been kicked from the group; it’s why one of my Mankrik characters has some rep with the Zandalari.

An upgrade’s an upgrade, assuming you know what your best stats are; that’s half the reason I’ve more-or-less stopped playing this character and instead switched to my Mage.

Do you really think the person who bought that Thori’dal in TBC for the literal gold cap got every single piece of that by doing dailies or farming?

Considering daily quests would be maybe 3.5K of that depending on which ones you do, I’m gonna need to see a list before I continue calling BS on that.

Which considering those are generally required (see my min-maxing comment above) for doing anything past maybe Heroic, maybe Gamma dungeon, does sort of screw the smaller players out of more money than it should just to improve items that are intended to be replaced.

This I agree with; I only know because one of my coworkers was going to get some gold for his guild in Retail and was trying to decide on whether it was going to be through Blizz or someone else.

Anyone using potions in dungeons outside of Alchemists using their Flask of the North are simply wasting their gold. Even now in ICC there’s no real need to use potions (Speed/Wild Magic) raid just flops with the 30% buff.

Enchants and gems aren’t bought that often and sometimes are supplied by their guild or themselves, the same can be said for potions/flasks.

I think you’re overestimating how big of an impact it has.

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Wrong, but again, idk why I’m even responding to someone who admits they’re arguing from a position of ignorance.

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opens a Northrend Adventurering Supplies Hey look a potion.

Which still requires the time to level multiple characters to the level cap while leveling their professions, assuming it’s not from the guild and even then either they’re supplying the materials or paying some other way; getting the mats for the Belt of Blasting my guild leader made for me in TBC ate nearly all of the money I had at the time.

Implying I didn’t watch my guild in Classic Classic spend days (thanks to WFH, afaik)
farming materials for their consumables just to blow them all in a single day while I was leveling and wondering what the point was.

Blizzard needs the token sales and what would the gold be used for if not that. The whales can give real money and cata will be a great expansion for gold buyers. I can see the wow token sales dropping if they do try to limit gdkp. Blizzard might have only done the gdkp ban in sod because there is no token in sod yet.

If you want to avoid gdkp try lfr.

A potion that’d be better of being sold on the AH

In Classic I had one character at level 60 for the majority of Classic, only getting my second 60 during the Naxx pre-launch event. Throughout my time spent playing Classic I managed to have enough gold to have as many flasks, elixirs and mana pots required for every raid throughout the entirety of Classic. All I did for gold was fishing and my professions were Alchemy and tailoring.

In TBC I had only 2 characters at level 70, both raided and I needed to again, provide my own consumes and enchants for those characters as well as gems. I had Herbalism and Tailoring on one, Alchemy, Tailoring on the other and while I did farm herbs every now and then I didn’t do it so often that I had the enough for all of my potions.

Again I mainly made gold from fishing (mainly) in Zangarmarsh but this is also when I started to flip items. Not once did my gold go below 10,000 gold from buying raiding items/mats (potions, flasks etc.). If one can’t get enough gold to sustain themselves for a raid then they’re not putting in enough time and effort, gold is easy to come by especially if you have multiple characters but even with only one you’d make enough gold to have a surplus.

In WotLK I have 5 level 80’s (one’s boosted) each with a profession that’s different, I pretty much have all professions maxed on various characters (not all on the 80’s) but the reason why even that doesn’t really matter is that they don’t have access to raid patterns because I don’t raid on them.

I don’t raid currently but for a majority of WotLK I raided again on two characters one with Engi, Tailoring the other Engi, Alch. At this point I’m very secure with gold with having ~150k coming into WotLK from TBC mainly getting gold from flipping (~95%) and the enchant costs were always the same…

What this long winded response is, is that you don’t need multiple characters to have sustainable gold, all you need is to do your dailies (even if it’s only on one character) and you’ll be perfectly fine, or find some other avenue to make gold.

This honestly made me so confused how can the Belt of Blasting nearly make you go bankrupt?

  • Nether Vortex x2
  • Bolt of Imbued Netherweave x4
  • Primal Fire x15
  • Rune Thread x2

None of those items are hard to get, the bolts are easy to craft (or get a guildie to craft), the Primal Fires are easy to farm and the Nether Vortex should be provided by your guild (if you’re in one).

How little gold did you have that this nearly made you run out of gold? I can also tell you that it wasn’t because of GDKP’s that Primal Fire was so expensive, it was expensive because of how in demand it was with everyone rushing to get their pre-bis which settled the price high and with every phase using Primal Fire for gear the price didn’t really move.


For something like 5g? If it speeds up my questing, it’s worth more than that. :stuck_out_tongue:

…That sounds confusing since the Herb/Alc would work better on one character while the other could also do Enchanting. O.o

I already mentioned that; some people don’t have the time or the energy to actually do all of that farming, instead just being able to log in for a dungeon or two before what they still had in the tank fizzles out. I’m actually an example of that, really; doing one or two dungeons after work gets me closer to the goals I have, but because I don’t have the ability to focus long enough to do much more than that unless it’s a day off, the only thing keeping me from being gatekept out of raiding in general, much less GDKPs where tens of thousands can get thrown around, is my unwillingness to engage with a system I see as inherently flawed from the start.

To offer an example, take FFXIV; with the way the Job System is set up, the highest tiers of armor currently in the game (weapons aren’t relevant since changing that changes your Class/Job) are usable by multiple classes depending on the type of armor it is, so the relevance sticks around longer; even if a tier gets added that’s Job-specific, those are still useful anyway since another Job can use them to get to THEIR next item, unlike WoW where the second something better comes along, the old piece is either disenchanted, sold, or just tossed entirely. The thing no one seems to really think about too much that I’ve been mentioning is that the enchants/gems only apply to a single item that gets removed once it’s replaced, making any resources put into them wasted.

I’ll spend some money to get crafting mats off of the AH or something (that Belt of Blasting lasted until not just 80, but raising my Tailoring high enough to make 187 armor) if it’s going to make something worthwhile or furthering some goal I have, but slightly improving a single item I have in order to do something where a major goal is replacing that item, losing whatever I just spent or made in the process, is anathema to me…so the only recourse is to give the entire system the finger and do my own thing.

That and the Vortexes, really. I was a Tailor already so the Netherweave was already sitting around, this character itself was either still in Azeroth or unmade at the time so the Fire was something I had to essentially buy all of since farming went nowhere fast (I was also in some terrible mental health at the time thanks to a third-shift job that I can’t describe here, so focus was out the window even more than it currently is), I didn’t have a Mining character at a high enough level to matter, and I think I’d just put together the money for Epic Flying not long before that, so I had maybe a few hundred bucks in my wallet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also didn’t figure out that a good source of Motes of Fire was the Nethercite Ore in Shadowmoon Valley (found that out in Retail very recently, actually) so there’s that too.

…Also, WoW’s far from the only game I spend time playing, especially since the ingame playerbase is well…mostly #$%#heads, so not something someone with an already-low social battery is going to be able to interact with for long.

I set it up like that so that it incentivizes me to play my other characters, I have…

Mage (80) - Alchemy, Engineering
Druid (80) - Tailoring, Engineering (might drop engi for herbalism)
Rogue (80) - Mining, Jewelcrafting
Hunter (80) - Enchanting, Skinning
Death Knight (69) - Blacksmithing, Inscription
Warrior (71) - Leatherworking

Without it set up like this I might’ve never/barely touched some of these characters.

It takes me ~30min to do the Argent Tournament, King of the Hill in Icecrown and the Fishing/Cooking dailies. That gives you ~300g. If you can manage to do the dungeon daily for the 100g which for the most part shouldn’t take that long at all if you search specifically for Forge of Souls then that shouldn’t take more than ~40min.

It really doesn’t take that much time for it and is easily attainable even for someone with a stringent schedule.

Do you see the only way you can raid is if you attend a GDKP because if that’s the case then you’re simply just shooting yourself in the foot. GDKP isn’t a flawed loot system, unless you think auctions in the real world are flawed then I guess I have nothing to say but otherwise no, GDKP’s are just auctions where the highest bidder wins and then the total spent gets distributed between all participants, nothing more, nothing less.

Well… Yeah, why keep something that’s outlived its usefulness, it’s also not always the case where you’d want to sell an item you’ve recently replaced as there’s a chance that later down the line you’d get something better in another slot but you now need that previous item to make the most of it. It’s very situational and you really shouldn’t sell/DE the items you replace until you’re 100% sure that you’d never need it in any situation.

So what system are you referring to here? The gearing system?

Also you don’t have to sell/DE the item, you can just keep it in your bank.

I play WoW mostly solo, the only time I actually interact with other people is when I raid, anwhere else I just don’t talk.

It’s nothing more nothing less if the gold is from in game sources. But can’t you see how that system favors those with an outside source of gold, the gold buyers? And how it launders bought gold into several other people’s hands? The only question about gdkps still unanswered is how much bought gold is in them and what percent of runs have players with bought gold. If it’s even a significant minority it would seriously affect the economy of the game. Though the question is moot now with the token. That makes the question do you buy the token out of fear or take the risk and buy the cheap gold from websites.

Of course it’d favour those who buy gold, to deny that is just lying to both yourself and the person you’re talking to.

I think I can confidently say that the people who buy gold and spend it in GDKP’s don’t do it with the intention to launder gold (that being to buy items so that their gold is spread among 24 other people). Blizzard should be able to know what sources ones character gets their gold from, the data should all be available to them so if Blizzard sees someone receiving gold from someone who’s not on their friends list, not sharing a raid ID and has given similar amounts of gold to other non-related accounts then that character most likely bought gold.

Doesn’t matter if it’s traded or mailed, Blizzard should be able to see who’s done what which, if they’re planning on making GDKP’s an actionable offense should be the leading cause of their bans.

Personally I think it’s less than you think at least from my perspective, I think the main kind of person to RMT are people who can’t wait, people who need the item as soon as it drops, someone who “has” to be full bis within the first month of a phase which leads to items going for a lot more than they really should be going for.

I also don’t think it’d have that much of an impact on the games economy…

If you’re saying that the impact to the economy would be increased prices then I’ve already talked about that in this thread.

TBH, neither. But if I had to pick one I’d go for the token.

Come to Windseeker Alliance, have never seen a gdkp advertised. We do have people running pug raids

Of course that’s not their intention, but that’s what happens.

I don’t think anything without data to back it up. That’s why I said it was a question. The size of the problem depends on the amount of bought gold in gdkps and the number of gdkps that have bought gold in them. I see claims from both side and neither you nor they have any data to support the claims.

you really expect blizzard to stop something that boost’s wow token sales ?
with vanilla you might have a point as it does not have the wow token so this gold can be obtained via bad means. but in cata ?

are you on drugs?

No one can possibly have that data so you’re effectively just putting the question out into the air.

I don’t deny that some of the people who GDKP buy gold but I don’t think it’s in the majority, I don’t even think it’s 25%, do I know for sure? No, but conjecture is all we have for this topic.

So you want gems/enchants

to be a permanent unlock? That would kill professions

The reasoning behind needing to rebuy is to keep a steady economy.

Otherwise, why need a jewelcrafter or enchanter? They made this mistake with glyphs in cata onward. Which is why they added shoulder enchants in MoP to inscription

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Guy is just talking to talk lmao


If gold is being “washed” in order to deceive Blizzard into thinking it’s not illicit gold, it’s happening before it enters the GDKP.

My guild didn’t make it through TBC intact and I’m not really interested in looking for another; not committing to anyone makes it easier if I decide to do what I’m doing with Destiny 2 and just not playing for a while. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still have my Verigan’s Fist, the Shining Silver Breastplate that lasted from when I made it at about 25 to Outland questing, along with a few other things that I plan on tossing into Void Storage once that’s a thing in Cata.

Some things you don’t just throw away, you know?

Requiring enchants/gems that are essentially useless once the item’s replaced; if it was BiS stuff you’re doing that with, that’s fine, but it’s something you’re using for a single raid it’s a waste of resources.

It’s the /4 coin flip; either people are going to act like worthwhile humans for once, or they’re going to be on the “why do they call it an Xbox 360?” wavelength of stupidity.

That’s sort of what the entire thread is aimed at; removing the largest incentive for people to buy gold from non-Blizz sources.

…Where did I say that? If the items they were applied to retained some level of usefulness, like in FFXIV or dialed up to 55 in DDO, it’d be less onerous to make the investment in the first place.

So you’re an extreamly casual player, no guild, no intention of looking for a guild and you have a wait and see mentality when it comes to raiding.

Oh I know, I keep items in my bank, it’s nearly full with me keeping raid gear for Cata xmog.

Also if you’re keeping those items just for the xmog and not for the item itself then you don’t need to place them into void storage to use its appearence.

You’re just describing gearing, it sounds like you just dislike the enchant and gemming part of gearing. Also, getting an item replace after a single raid is quite rare.

I think you’re being quite hyperbolic with saying that a majority of WoW’s players are rude or stupid, the way you’ve described it makes it seem that every other player has a chip on their shoulder or got hit in the head with a brick.

There’s more to it than that, banning GDKP’s is the nuclear option and a copout, what they should be doing is banning the buyers and the sellers not one of the best loot systems

To me it sounds like you’re an extremely casual player, gameplay decisions (for raids) shouldn’t be based around players like you who won’t even go out of their way to raid and if you do raid then you make it seem as if you don’t.

I don’t PvP so I think that anything I have to say about PvP should be ignored (change wise) because how can I have an informed opinion on the matter when I barely participate in the activity.

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God this thread is still going. Whatever, this bump doesn’t matter.

Something I’ve noticed is that anyone who is anti-gdkp and hides behind RMT as their reasoning NEVER applies it to any other aspect of the game that involves gold, then want to cope about how gdkps are the primary source of RMT with no evidence (Show me the numbers not your head canon cope) at all, especially since they outright ignore the AH and it’s existence.

The same people in this thread who are anti-gdkp are the same people who got absolutely bodied by me in another anti-gdkp thread, where simple questions stumped them to the point of devolving into chimps slapping their keyboard as responses.

They still can’t quote Blizzard on “banning gdkps in sod is because of rmt crackdowns”. That’s still head canon they created and just made up.

And they’re still here saying the same dumb monkey brain takes.

Do some dailies you brokies. Get a job. Mine some rocks.