Ban gdkps in cata

please and thank you


You’re already free to ban GDKPs with your own raids or not go to raids that do it. Btw, a sockpuppet is a disposable name someone hides behind, not a name they use normally.

You’re welcome.


I wouldn’t care if they were to be banned, honestly them enforcing it SoD has its drawbacks.


Yea and the drawback is a good amount of “end game elite” players now have nothing to do. This is the biggest downside of having GDKPs banned because a lot of players want to stockpile tons of gold for… reasons. I can think of lots of them but that’s their way of having fun and who are we to tell them otherwise.

But the vast majority of the player base knows that a lot of GDKPs is where gold is laundered from RMTs involving bots, buyer/sellers, etc, which ruins the game for everyone in the long run, destroying what’s left of the minuscule integrity of WoW. I’m not in favor of GDKPs but I don’t think it’s going anywhere in Wrath or Cata.

Considering CS gets a bunch of posts about people being banned for receiving “illicit” gold in GDKPs (and then CS confirming that receiving gold from someone who bought it will also get you banned), this literally doesn’t make sense. It’s not washed by being used in a GDKP, it instead incriminates everyone. People just aren’t buying gold as much as some people would like you to think.

It’s how they ban people simply for trading a lot of gold regardless if they were in a GDKP or not. They should know where their gold is being put and who’s using it wrong, instead they’re banning people who don’t deserve it.

I think the point is people try to wash it through GDKP’s, alts, AH, etc. I suspect Blizzard (and they’ve confirmed) they can track this stuff. I also suspect GDKP’s are a big place people try to “hind” and wash gold through.

I love the CS forum. My favorites are the bans for buying gold or being toxic, or “clever” names (that are not clever) etc and they act all innocent, and I was wronged and yada yada yada…only to find out yea, they were guilty.

It is become one of my favorite places to go “watch”. It needs to be a reality TV show to be honest.

If you mail yourself 50g from one account to another, 50g you got from the AH. You will get flagged and suspended on SoD.

It’s just an automated system.

Yeah I understand why they’d want to ban GDKP’s but the current way they’re policing it isn’t good, too many false positives.

Are there that many false positives, or people just, you know…lying.


There is no auto ban for this.
The only autoban stuff is for silence for 1 day.
Stop with the lies.
If you got more than 1 day of silence, you were caught doing things you should not be doing.

I mail myself mats and money all the time - I just don’t buy it…
You should try that sometime.


are you mailing it account to account or to an alt on the same account, because those are very different things.

That is a 100% Lie, go test it right now if you want. Mail 50g to a fresh account you just made.

If they ban Hard Reserve maybe I will get in-line with banning GDKPs :slight_smile:
Hard reserve makes the game even worse than having GDKPs. You advocate to ban GDKP so it forces good players to work in your hard-reserve runs for free and get nothing. And also not to mention those MS>OS runs, where you get your frens in the same need spec to roll and shadow trade you while the lone-wolf player gets way less odds of acquiring any useful gears.

"Grull need rogue/hunter, DST reserved :slight_smile: "


My favorite are the runs where people leave after the boss they wanted an item from doesn’t drop it.

GDKP keeps people in the raid till the end.

Had a run disband after blood queen when the tank and his 2 healer friends left since the shield didn’t drop, just today


This exactly!

And its just tip of the iceberg illustrating how bad “rolling for gear” runs are. There is nothing apart from ethics that keep players in the raid past the boss that drops their needed gear. By any means, don’t count on ethics in 2024.

People are constantly asking for raid IDs to not be set in stone, so they can ditch groups and finish in others. People lack commitment to raids, they leave on whims and don’t value the time of others.

GDKP fixed all of that.

I don’t care what excuse you have for leaving a raid, whether its your loot didn’t drop, your grandma got punted out of an airlock, your goldfish is reading you shakespear… You are opting to waste the time of 9 or 24 other people by leaving them and griefing. You signed up to commit till the agreed upon end time or until its done.

Thats the biggest issue with pugs right now, the lack of respect and accountability.

Do guilds fix that? Yea, but most people have their main in a guild but they play alts. maybe they can do tues/thur or wed/friday but the other days they want to play aswell but it fluctuates a bit. So you’d sign up for x y or z day gdkp and get it done. Now your looking for a raid on a wednesday night, you find a pug and it dissolves after 3 bosses.

People ask for the raid IDS to be removed and it be boss by boss IDS like retail to combat this, instead if you leave a raid you should be punished. Realm communitys have tried to enforce such things with blocklists and such but people still get shafted since they are discord communities and not blizzard sanctioned so information is not shared openly, top that off with blizzard being against shaming on their own forums. Leaving players in the dark about the people they are playing with.

Penalties for abandoning a raid should be extreme. It is a commitment.

Like saying you are going to pick me up at the airport.

People will go “its just a game bro” but at the end of the day, myself and probably 22-23 other people have taken our time management and created a window to enjoy this game for the specified amount of time. Then some guy or girl or table comes in and disrespects all of us by joining and leaving partway through, in a critical role and leaving us all fumbled for the week.


I totally agree with you. If they indeed enforce no-GDKP coming into cata, they would have to deploy extreme penalties for those who leave the raid before the calling. Maybe add a reportable option “abandoning raid” that result in 7 day - 14 day - permaban. Of course this needs to be carefully monitored to ensure people don’t exploit it but oh well, thats too much for Blizzard. Let’s just continue with GDKP.

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If I had my way of designing the system, it would involve members of your RAID ID having the ability to flag you for leaving the raid. Which would be examined by a blizzard employee hired for that job, which would look at when you left the raid and when the raid either finished or other members left, why they left. If the raid disbanded due to you and such. A GM style job.

This penalty would be 1 week locked out of all raids, with further repercussions being longer blocks from raids, with 2 weeks being the cap. It would be contestable in that false reports would punish the false reporters and free you from any unfairly given punishments.

A system built on community merits and anyone seeking to abuse it would be met with severe punishments.

Or just allow us the ability to call people out on the forums.

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You know that is too much work for Blizzard GMs, they have been cutting non-technical staff for a while. So I don’t think this is a viable option from a human resource perspective.

Anyway, taking away GDKP without compensating solution is in favor of irresponsible dumpers and those who doesn’t take raiding seriously, since serious raiders (maybe their alts) would have to raid with them now and endure the loss. I am sure these “casual” players were less likely to run GDKP from the very beginning since they are too bad to earn the cut. It’s probably one of the reason they advocate against it so it kinda forces good players to play with them.

While I don’t think I would categorize every casual player as bad, I do disagree with the belief these forum goers have that all GDKPers are swipers. It borderlines on a racial stereotype in its use, and the hate towards people who enjoy GDKP has indeed created a radical movement of people who act like bigots towards them, deeming them lesser or false.

It is not the fault of all players than some chose to cheat, it is blizzards. They did not act, did not punish and allowed something to become corrupted by lacking of proper policing and enforcement of authority. Instead, we the players are punished. Blaming players who enjoyed the system for its base values is no different than blaming somebody who has never done a GDKP because they play the same game and are therefore indirectly supporting gold buying/selling by using the auction house.

There was recently an issue on some of the most poppular GDKP discords, there an IP tracker was linked and people were threatened with being doxxed. This reminds me of the scene from The Boys, season 2. Where a store clerk had been radicalized by the news into shooting somebody they thought was a “Supe”

At the end of the day, all of this is caused due to blizzards lack of enforcement on their own policies.