Ban gdkp and lock transfers to rp classic era realms

BAN GDKP ON RP ERA SERVERS AND LOCK TRANSFERS TO AND FROM RP CLASSIC ERA REALMS. this will allow for more communities to grow with more options instead of logging in to gdkp spam


So you want to have more options by removing options?

Bold strategy.

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Ultimately in the long run i think his idea is best

Please blizzard, DO NOT end transfers to RP variant servers. Ban GDKPs? Sure. Shut off FCMs? Sure. Paid transfers? No way.

Look, you don’t need blizzard to do these things to build community. Community is built by us the players from the ground up. Its done through hard work and we have all the tools we need in Era to do it today.

You know I’ve been frequently on these forums Alpha, doing just that for nearly two years. Without transfers, we’d have to have people completely re roll on Grobbulus. We would not have made it from the small 10 person guild that cleared MC to the 35 person army that took out KT if blizzard had ended transfers.

This is not the answer.

Build the community and culture you wish to see. Relying on blizzard to add safety rails is a short term fix that ultimately will not build the authentic community you seek. And ending paid transfers to all RP variant servers will be detrimental to community, not helpful. There already is DD which they’ve disabled transfers for to aid the fresh reroll movement. Go there if you seek a realm with no transfers, but please do not advocate on behalf of all RP servers to end transfers when they are vital to our guilds on Grobbulus today.

Every post I make, we get one or two players curious who ends up transferring over. If I had to ask each of those players to reroll fresh, we’d be toast. We’d never have cleared AQ or Naxx, and I’d have no way to combat natural attrition or seasonality of players.

Do not end transfers to RP servers blizzard, thank you.


Other than pointing out that all caps does no favors to your point (it signals “IGNORE ME.”), I think if they introduced a new server, regardless of the ruleset, esp. if there were not transfers to/from it would be popular enough. Though, I’d keep in mind that whatever they say, they always change later when it comes to server transfers, and for that reason, I’d probably just avoid it personally, unless I really wanted to level to 40+ and then get inundated with a bunch of level 60s in Naxx and R14 gear transferring over.

Yeah, actually with that in mind, I think the team would really have to make some changes and commit to them for the long term to start earning some trust going forward with things like server health and transfers.

Also, there is absolutely no information as far as I can tell that has been made available to the community regarding the experiment of banning GDKPs for SoD, which is the first iteration of the game that I personally quit due to not liking the direction the developers were going with it, and not wanting to contribute to that, rather than becoming too busy in RL with other things and having some excuses like, “I don’t like grinding levels for a stupid necklace that I don’t care about.”

Anyway, a fresh WoW Classic server or a couple with different rulesets might be interesting.


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Jarl makes a great point.

No transfers to DD is good, I appreciate that there is some assistance with the “fresh” initiative from Blizzard.

Can’t lock out all transfers to RP/RP-PVP though without harming those efforts to recruit. It makes sense.

My issue with GDKP is that it strongly incentivizes getting your hands on mountains of gold so you can win bids and buy stuff. The behavior that encourages is obvious on high pop realms. Ironically a tiny community server with less than 100 active players is probably the one place you could do GDKP and have it not be super scummy.


Agreed. And as soon as GDKP went from being a community loot system to a for profit loot system, people stopped caring where that gold came from. These days it’s nothing more than a paid carry, which folks are somehow more ok with than actual paid carries lol.

Some irony to go with your irony, that tiny server has no need for gold because there’s nothing to spend it on, so GDKP is moot anyway :wink:

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You get an epic mount, and you get an epic mount, and you get an epic mount!

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Wait, we get epic mounts!?

Jarl, if I grind out IF rep, will you buy my mount? It’s the closest I can come to being a dwarf druid.

In return, I will direct my innervates to the target of your choice, or exclude the target of your choice, for tonight’s raid :slight_smile:

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I am surprised we have not previously negotiated your dwarf druidship. I will speak to the Dwarven council, but I do not see why this couldn’t be arranged!

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I think the safest fix is limit what can move.

500 gold cap on any transfer for level 60 characters
100 gold cap for any transfer for level 40+ characters.
10 gold cap for any transfers for level 10 - 39 characters
No transfers for characters 1 - 9
No consumables transfer.
No BoE transfer.
No materials transfer.

Now you can join friends and community but can’t wreck the economy.

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Arent transfers blocked right now to DD?

Yes it is.

The problem isn’t transfers to, its transfers off the servers, because the bots basically go to empty servers, fill up a level 1 alts, then push all the consumes to higher population servers. So if you blocked characters below 60 from transferring with herbs/mines/etc and made everything bound it would solve most of the farming problem at least on smaller servers, where they get used a feeder server for mankirk/whitemane.

There is zero need to do anything about GDKP servers, as you simply wont find one, and if did, it wouldn’t matter.

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Maybe put more simply, nothing that isn’t bound to your character?

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Yes with gold caps per the level so low level mules can’t be used to move gold

Yea there are a few people I met who said they have a 60 to farm on zero pop servers and use lvl 1 alts to mule mats over to high pop realms for profit since its a free transfer.

Either make them paid or just disable material/gold transfer with a level cap or amount caps depending on level.