Ban Discord

And how in the world would Blizzard ban something they have ZERO control over? That’s just silly. Not to mention doesn’t WoW or Blizzard or Activision have official discords for their games?

So, everyone back to ventrillo?

And before Discord, there was Ventrilo, Mumble, TeamSpeak, Xfire…

Players been using third-party comms with WoW for ages. I doubt they have anything to do with the state of WoW :rofl:.


They can easily remove their own Discords and make in-game Communities via Dragonfall’s new addon-UI system.

Keep everything in-house so they can control the game better.

This is how they moderate it.

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Before discord there was raid call.
Before raid call there was skype.
Before skype there was TeamSpeak.
Around that time people also used Ventrillo or Mumble.
Before that, people would communicate on xFire. Or at least my group of friends did.

You can’t blame Discord. WoW is anti-social because it develops anti-social systems.
Depending on another player in todays market is a burden.


Good news everyone. According to their posts they are 23 years old, so that would make them 6 if they want to go back 17 years.

Known troll. And wait there’s more!!!

You don’t have to use a chat service you don’t want to use…Concept.


Discord allows for easier RMT/Boosting due to their many features that those previous VOIPs don’t have. They also have far more reach with gamers and is more widely used, Discord is 100% a major issue in WoW.


You’re acting like you got banned from discord and using all grasping reasons to hate discord


This thread was brought to you by the same guy who lied about being kicked from a raid because hes LGBT?


Seems like a bad call and something they CANNOT control. People have Discords for their own guilds. Really ban people for posting their discord link…that’s nuts. You have to be trolling at this point. That’s way extreme.

Saying Blizz “can’t” fix that is pretty silly.

So let me get this straight.

Discord has made WoW’s community far more anti-social by having better social systems and a larger reach?


Indeed it is

This is objectively false, WoW is a fantastic social game but it’s plagued by things like Discord and RMT/Boosters who use it to peddle illegal activities into the game.

Yes. It allowed for far more bad actors to gain advantage over WoW, and it ruined WoW’s inner society by making everything on a 3rd party App.

Blizzard needs more control/moderation, everyone should be forced to use in-game voice chat and text chat.

I’m sorry but your leap of logic here can be unraveled by looking at classic… TBC (on my server at least) still has a strong community AND they use discord too. So :person_shrugging:

Most likely did after that post last week.

Heh, it goes even further. According to OP:

Flag and move on at this point.

I’m curious; how do you propose Blizzard regulating the use of Discord without seriously infringing upon people’s privacy?

Lol, literally 0 ‘likes’

Wouldn’t surprise me if this thread gets flagged soon :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(you know what to do boys)

Sunday was yesterday.

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